Media Flying Monkeys

It’s hardly


That the “mainstream” press is overwhelmingly liberal is obvious to everyone, and I think is now admitted by most liberals. Still, it is interesting to see quantification of what we all know to be true.

It is interesting that, by this measure at least, the Times and the Post are farther to the left than Breitbart is to the right.

FAR from a surprise!

Media Flying Monkeys Truth

You know,

There is a reason all this election interference by Democrats is going on! He scares the ever-living crap out of partisan Democrats

He rightfully scares the crap out of Leftists, and they just can’t cope!

Media Flying Monkeys

Just totally

brutal! Wise leaders are finally starting to push back on the nasty loaded questions of crap-eating Lefty reporters!

MOST of the time, these reporters are just stealth Democrat shills and actually don’t know their butt from a hole in the ground.

We see here the reason Leftist in general won’t argue a point. When faced with facts and logic, they just call names and run away. All hat and no cattle…

Pro Tip: Don’t just blindly accept their assumptions. THAT is automatically ceding ground to them, and almost always the outcome of the debate is then already determined. No, argue the major premise, not the conclusion!

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard


revolting! Like many of you, I am just sick of the MSM lies.

This is how very smart people appear to be so stupid about the world: they get a picture curated by people they wrongly trust. 

… Reuters knows that the hostages being released by Hamas aren’t soldiers (neither are the terrorists Hamas is getting), but they casually drop the term into their headline to fundamentally alter your perception of what is happening. A POW exchange is a lot different than the negotiated release of people held hostage for 50 days–women and children who have nothing to do with the war except by being victims of evil terrorists.

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

You are only being

shown what your MSM masters want you to see. You know that, don’t you?

Evil Media Flying Monkeys

WaPo takes

down a Ramirez cartoon. It cut a little too deep for them…

But here it is:

Media Flying Monkeys

I’m starting

to like the cut of this man’s jib.

Now that doesn’t mean I want him for President. It’s just that I like his fire and his willingness to tell the truth.

“Kristen, I’m going to use this time because this is actually about you and the media and the corrupt media establishment,” Ramaswamy said. “[I will] ask you: the Trump-Russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years, was that real, or was that Hillary Clinton made-up disinformation? Answer the question, go.”

We need a little accountability.

Media Flying Monkeys

It’s really quite

clear that people don’t trust the MSM. And for good reason–they are NOT trustworthy!

THAT’s what is called a cratering!

So not quite a third of people still trust the MSM a great deal, almost a third don’t trust them very much, and nearly 40% don’t trust them AT ALL.

So we find ourselves in a position where the plurality of Americans have no trust at all in the MSM. So just over 2/3rds of American either don’t trust them much or don’t trust them at all!

Media Flying Monkeys

Why on this green

earth would you even be surprised?

Bad Faith Media Flying Monkeys

Powell pleading

guilty is really not a big deal for Trump.

In fact, the only crime she pled guilty to has nothing to do with Trump except very tangentially.

So I was curious to see what Powell actually pled guilty to. Sure enough, the only charge to which she pled guilty was illegally accessing the Coffee County voting equipment. Prosecutors have recommended a sentence of six years’ probation and $9,000 in fines and restitution.

Shocker, the MSM is yet again acting in bad faith, and today is a day whose name ends in a “Y”… <yawn>