asked to either forgive or forget. And I don’t. The evil-doers coming hat-in-hand is one thing, but most of these folks haven’t taken the FIRST step in change–admitting. They are NOT repentant at all. Sorry, that’s not how forgiveness works. That’s not how any of this works!
This whole crap-tastic thing was a casualty of an immoral, dogmatic irrational, and MSM-driven lust to get rid of “Orange Man Bad” and nothing more.
The longer urban schools stayed closed the worse their fourth-graders are doing in math, concludes an analysis of National Assessment of Educational Progress NAEP) data by The 74, writes Asher Lehrer-Small. Looking at districts, rather than states, showed the link.
…Her research finds school closures led to “severe negative academic impacts, especially for younger students and those living in poverty.”
Kids were never a vector in the first place! And we knew that. DAMMIT, WE KNEW THAT!
There’s little evidence that keeping schools closed saved lives, writes Thompson. “Schools remained open in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy in late 2020 and early 2021,” because policy makers relied on “reports that schoolchildren did not play a major role in community transmission.” In addition, “evidence from Ireland, Singapore, Norway, Israel, South Korea, and North Carolina” showed that “young children were less likely than adults to get severely sick from COVID.”
This was just evil. Apologize, Pandemic Porn Pimps!
But they won’t. These people are virtually always characterologically incapable of admitting fault and saying they’re sorry.
Maybe you think it was just an “honest mistake.” Then how do you explain the fact that I was right and you were wrong? MANY others were, too.YOU had the same information as I did!
It wasn’t an honest mistake. It was at least willful and dogma-driven negligence. Most “Pandemic Karens” were more snookered than malicious. But, they WERE easily duped by any charlatan who spoke to their political preferences and prejudices. There was always at least a whiff of the malicious, there.
Am I angry about it? Yes, yes I am.
If there is an ounce of justice in the world, Democrats get utterly clobbered next week…