Current Events Psychopathology

It’s a pretty dang

awesome video! There are some strategic changes to the dialogue, so you really gotta watch it!

Look, if there was anything to work with, Muller and all the other investigations would have used it long ago. Mueller certainly had a bunch of vindictive fanatics and unlimited funds! But no, they ALL held off and let some Manhattan DA look stupid a few years later. Remember, we got nothing from years of investigation by Congress, Mueller and his foam-flecked posse, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

And now THIS! It looks like it’s gonna be yet another Wile E. Coyote moment for the Left. And Trump HUGELY benefits.

All the Left has shown is that they are a bunch of freakin’ empty-headed, narcissistic, spittle-lipped nutjobs on a monomaniacal quest for the Holy Grail Trump Hammer.

I think most of us have had juuust about enough of them…

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