fantastic. You can read the transcript on this page, if you prefer.
Max Weber, perhaps the founder of sociology, a great German thinker, gave a memorable lecture more than 100 years ago in which he argued that there should be a clear distinction between Politik and Wissenschaft, between politics and science, or let’s call it scholarship. And that is the betrayal, when you forget about that separation and use your privilege, which you have as a professor, to pursue a political agenda. And it doesn’t matter whether you are leaning to the right in your politics or to the left, it’s treason to the ideals of the university, to mottos like veritas or Die Luft der Freiheit weht, if you use your position to engage in political activism. And the generation of academics in America today are as guilty of that treason as the generation of academics between the wars, who aligned themselves with the [NAZIs].
And here is Ferguson’s article.