Change Choosing

It’s not even

arguable. It is plainly true.

To make matters more urgent, even an occasionally lucid Joe Biden has to know that today’s Democratic party has next to nothing to do with the Democratic party of not all that long ago. More than that, nay worse than that, the Republican party of today has become the Democratic party of yesteryear. Today’s GOP is a party that is seeking to re-fashion itself as the party of the working class.

… Finally, today’s GOP is the party that seeks to build a color-blind society, rather than promote policies on the basis of skin color, whether they be slavery, segregation, disparate impact or affirmative action quotas.

Remember, YOU didn’t leave the Democrat party–the Democrat party left YOU!

For now, the Democrats seem bent on trying to pretend to be the old Democratic party. But will a defeat in November and a spell in the political wilderness lead to re-thinking, re-tooling and re-building?

… Or maybe, just maybe, the Democrats might come to their senses and actually return to their past. And if that should happen, a new generation of Democrats might one day trace the onset of their revival to the remembered past of one ancient relic of that past in particular, namely the Joe Biden of the summer of 2024.