Media Flying Monkeys

Let’s quit

living in fantasyland, Democrats: Americans no longer trust the MSM, OK? The lying has been too blatant, too frequent, and too one-sided. They have “cried Hitler” every four year since at least Reagan. The MSM has been exposed, and I suspect that it would take decades for them to regain people’s trust.

And that process hasn’t even started yet! ALL real change starts with confession–admitting what YOU have done and truly intending to change. THAT is step one.

And the MSM has yet to take that first step. Because if you have done everything right, there is no reason at all to change! Most Lefties have not taken that step–indeed, most are even willing to admit that they may have been wrong. let alone that they were wrong and need to change! They are almost to a person characterologically incapable of even considering that they have been wrong. It is too psychologically threatening to their sense of self to do so.

And thus they are “stuck,” and can’t change! Their overweening narcissism prevents them from taking that first step. And thus they are bound by strong cords…