Morality Polls Science

Ok, it is scary

for me, but here’s an optimistic article for you. You know, I can’t help but worry that voter fraud might well win the day.

So don’t get cocky!

I mean, Kamala is truly demonically disgusting. Hearing her crow about how she can destroy innocent people’s lives “with a stroke of my pen” was just chilling!

When I saw that clip, my first thought was, “Holy crap, what kind of monster IS this? And how could a moral person vote for THAT?

But back to the ranch…

People seem to be turning in the right (Right) and moral direction. Almost all the polls suffer from kind of a “lemming effect.” It is VERY difficult to contact people in this age of cell phones and caller ID.

So ALL there actually is is statistical “bootstrapping,” and THAT is indeed prone to investigator bias. You actually can’t lift yourself off the ground by pushing up on your own bootstraps!

In other words, scientific validity is highly suspect! The assumptions and even methods are usually hidden behind a defensive industry jargon. And yet, those methods and assumptions virtually 100% determine the outcome of the poll! As one commenter put it:

One rather gets the impression that even political junkies are one more election cycle away from giving up entirely on polls in general. They can’t build a sample, they can’t find the population, it’s all becoming increasingly imaginary. [emphasis in original]

But in the current situation, polling outfits want to make it seem close enough that people won’t say, “Oh c’mon!” if fraud carries Kamala’s worthless carcass over the finish line.

My worry is that Democrat voter fraud will overcome the voice of the people. I dearly hope not…