Current Events Intellectual Cowardice

I think that is

fundamentally correct.

Yes, Kamala was an excruciatingly bad candidate. And Tim Walz was arguably even worse. Yes, yes. But the problem is not so superficial as that. And I think it is an intellectual failure to not look a little deeper than that.

See, the problem is that socialism/Leftism itself is intellectually bankrupt. A focus on Harris’s manifest weaknesses obscures that fact, to the detriment of Democrat progress. And actually, we have gotten to the point where Left won’t even deign to argue the facts. Why? Because the facts destroy their argument.

The left has become a fact-free bubble. The Left focuses on feelings, because feelings are rather ephemeral and easily shift and can be made to support their ever-changing positions. But the facts are too stubborn. Thus, Leftists would rather gnaw their own arm off than argue facts!

All their hysterical rantings are, at heart, a manifestation of their intellectual weakness, not some kind of philosophical strength. It is not “politeness” that drives their refusal to argue–not at all. It is intellectual vacuity.