
Yes, yes.

I very much hope so.

As we are all aware, the Democrats struggle with things like reality and the truth. That’s got them in a bit of a pickle right now. They know that many things went horribly wrong for them in this election. They also know that they have to figure out exactly what. They just don’t have the skill set to do it, at least not quickly, anyway.

But I would disagree a bit. I don’t think it is a lack of or wrong information that bedevils Democrats right now. I think their inability to change is FAR more based in personality pathology–they can’t change because they can’t bring themselves to admit they were wrong. THAT is far too threatening to their very sense of self.

It is NOT that there is no information. It is that they are not willing to accept and thus incorporate actual data. And THAT is a personality problem, not a data problem.

Kruiser seems somewhat aware of the problem: …it almost seems that I’ve illicitly gotten my hands on a psychiatrist’s notes.

Yes, yes it does. But while these revelations are actually NOT from mental health notes, they VERY much represent psychopathology!