Bad Faith

There is good

reason for concern:

Here’s my worry: What kind of poop bombs will “Biden” leave on his way out the door? He is indeed a vindictive fellow, and for sure he will leave some stinky land mines. Will these things be obnoxious but able to be overcome? Or will they prove to be an ongoing barrier to progress?

Is this just a repeat of Lefty efforts to stymie Trump? Well, yeah. DUH! But how big of an obstacle will it be?

Current Events

Yes, people

are starting to wake up and turn. The Democrat party has become SO kooky and extreme over the last two decades or so that regular people are fleeing.

But remember, YOU didn’t leave THEM, they left YOU!

For the first time since FDR and the Great Depression, voters who identify as Republicans outnumber Democrats by a significant margin, according to data released this week by Gallup. Not just Gallup, either. Political analyst Patrick Ruffini noted Monday, “After the exit polls were reweighted to reflect the final popular vote result, Republicans outnumbered Democrats by 5 points in the AP VoteCast survey and by 4 points in the network exit polls.”

… In the last 16 years, we’ve had 12 years of hard-left Democrat presidents who got everything they wanted, legislatively, in their first two years and then took advantage of “the ratchet effect” to lock in their gains. Now we have more self-ID’d Republicans than Democrats for the first time in almost a century.

… The ‘ancestral’ Democrat who identifies as a Democrat and votes for the party’s candidates downballot while being a de-facto Republican federally is gradually becoming extinct.”

A Butt-Kicking Backfire!

Well, THAT is

pretty much true.

As desperate, phony, and even dangerous of a campaign Democrats ran this year, and as embarrassing as the outcome was for all of them, nobody came out looking more pathetic than Barack Obama. From 2024’s vantage point, is there any way to look at his legacy but as a tragic blight on American history?

… “Hope and change” became, “Do what mommy and daddy said.”

Current Events

Musk is

learning fast. But it is a painful process. Still, live and learn…

And ya know, there are very few people who would disagree with that last tweet! So Musk needed to add a little… context for his pronouncements. He is learning…

This politics thing is WAY harder than it looks!

Disgusting! Media Flying Monkeys

Talk about

a total whitewash! I mean, you knew it would happen, but it is not any less dishonest or disgusting for that.

Here’s the TRUTH: Jimmy Carter was a horribly sucky President. After his ONE term in office, he was a nasty, pompous, and meddling piece of work who was famously and viciously anti-Semitic and who was SO full of himself that he just couldn’t let better men drive.

THAT is the accurate story of Jimmy Carter. He was only competent to publicly soil himself–which he repeatedly and unashamedly did.

Well, it’s a day later and I’ve more than had my fill of the St. Jimmy of Peanut Farm revisionist history orgy in the mainstream media. 

… Jimmy Carter is dead, and he leaves behind him a legacy of utter failure as president and beyond. Among his numerous disastrous policies still harming the world today are his decades of legitimizing terrorist Hamas and undermining Israel. While Americans eulogize a man with no major lasting accomplishment, some Israeli and Jewish outlets are more bitterly remembering an antisemitic politician who spent years backstabbing them to appease radical jihadis.

… Carter became an even worse ex-president than he was a president. He never could resist the chance to badmouth his Republican successors, and he constantly sided with the “Palestinian” cause and did everything he could to thwart Israel’s right to exist peacefully. His treatment of Israel alone undoes any supposedly wonderful Sunday School lesson and every Habitat for Humanity house he ever had a hand in building.

But for now, for the MSM low-rent Renfields, it is all mendacious hagiography all the time! It’s enough to make one’s stomach turn…

The leftists in the MSM are having a field day whitewashing the real Jimmy Carter record after having to be semi-honest about Joe Biden for a bit. They’re back in their element, and it’s too much even for someone like me who writes about these idiots all the time.

Jimmy Carter was NOT “a bad President but a good man.” No, he was both a bad President AND a bad man!

Captain Obvious MSM Palace Guard

Oh! So NOW

she finally admits it! We ALL saw it. We’re not stupid, you know…

CBS News legal correspondent Jan Crawford admitted that President Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline over the last four years was “underreported” by the media.


Yes, the rats are

jumping off the sinking ship.

Federal prosecutors in Biden’s weaponized Justice System involved in Trump’s political persecution are fleeing in droves ahead of the President-elect’s inauguration, the Wall Street Journal reports. They include those involved in the prosecution of January 6 protesters and Trump’s federal prosecutions. Trump has mulled over going against people who participated in the Biden administration’s many witchhunts.

… “Law firms say they have seen an unprecedented flood of résumés from department lawyers looking for the exits,” the Journal reported.

That may well be true, but I find it to be an unsatisfying argument. False claims could also be made against them. So yes, they may be panicked because they did legally wrong things. But they could also be panicked that they will be falsely accused. Their panic is NOT proof of wrongdoing. We still need to make that case based on the demonstrable facts.


The FIRST step

in change is to admit you were wrong. And Leftism allies with narcissism to prevent that first step…

Lefties, admit, come clean, and change.

Captain Obvious

Yes, there are

solutions to immigration problems. But they are NOT easy or painless fixes. I rather doubt that most countries have the intestinal fortitude to stand up and preserve their own culture. Maybe some will…

Lefty Squalor

I really don’t

blame people for wanting to flee. Now don’t make your new home into the same festering Hellhole as the one you fled…

Some of the biggest swings away from the Democratic Party and toward President-elect Donald Trump in the November election were not in battleground states. They were in deep blue states where voters most affected by Democratic mismanagement and failure to deliver jobs and public safety took revenge on the blue party by turning to Trump.