Captain Obvious Economics Lefty Political Strategy

The data are

in. Face it, Leftists, your economics totally sucks. It’s not even arguable anymore. Only your hidebound rigidity keeps you from seeing that.

Only a dang moron doesn’t recognize that fact.

Which is why Leftists hate Trump AND Milei so. They put the lie to Lefty economic theory, If the conservative economics Trump and Milei espouse leads to prosperity, they are screwed. They had to do all they could to keep Trump from taking office in order to not be publicly humiliated.

So they tried. Hard! But it didn’t work. So now they are on to the next phase, which is keeping Trump from putting his cabinet in.

And they are gonna keep doing all they can to wreck the economy. Please understand that they simply can’t afford for things to get better. It would expose the Emperor as having no clothes!

If I were a betting man, I would bet that Democrats will accuse Trump of some new and horrific crime within a year. Maybe six months.

What other choice do they have?