I mean, you DO realize that Democrats today would not even be recognized by Democrats in the 1980s or 1990s. It is simply not the same animal.
The Democrats of 2025 are not the same kinds of people I’ve known throughout my activism career. They began to take a turn for the worse in late 2008 and really hit the gas on the Awfulmobile in late 2016. A casual observer from another time or another planet might have thought that the Dems couldn’t be more unhinged than they were in January of 2017, but that observer would be very, very wrong.
Remember, you didn’t leave them, they left you…
The Republican advantage right now is not just in having a majority in the Executive and Legislative branches. The Democrats are in complete disarray at the moment. Yes, they can shout and play the obstructionist game, but they’re a severely weakened, rudderless party. Now is the time for the Grand Old Party to swing with all of its might and deliver a devastating punch to its opponent. I’m not saying that the Dems can be completely destroyed, I’m saying that now is the time to put a boot on the throat of the enemy who’s on the ground and make it clear that said enemy is going to be there for a while.