is catching on. He has been grievously abused by the Left.
Charlamagne’s realization reflects the quandary in which the left has found itself ever since the election. Some want to maintain the Trump-is-Hitler stance, but others realize both that it was hollow to begin with and that it’s counterproductive while Trump is in the Oval Office and pursuing policies that are popular with massive numbers of Americans. So should they be civil toward Trump and try to work with him, as virtually every defeated party has behaved toward the victors since the beginning of the American republic? Or should they keep up the pretense that Trump is a mortal danger to “our democracy”?
… Charlamagne’s cohost, Andrew Schulz, even dared to say about the Democrats: “They lied to you.” Of course, they did. That’s what they always do. They not only lied about Trump; they lied about COVID, they lied about Biden’s fitness to hold office, they lied about Hunter’s laptop, and they’re still lying about climate change and about myriad other matters as well. The devil, said Jesus, is the father of lies (John 8:44), and Old Scratch might as well be chairman of the Democratic National Committee as well since the phrase “truthful Democrat” is as magnificent and apposite an example of an oxymoron as was ever uttered by mortal man.
But the overwhelming majority of people want these foaming Democrat wackos to spank down and work with Trump.
Yet Fox News reported Wednesday that “by a 58-point margin, voters think Democrats should look for opportunities to work with the president-elect as opposed to resisting his agenda and causing division (78% compromise, 20% resist).” That 20%, however, thinks that to work with Trump would be like working with Jack the Ripper. But Charlamagne Tha God has caught on to the left’s lies, and that means others have as well: that 20% doesn’t have absolute power anymore.