"Green" religion Energy

OK, so what is

the future of energy?

Well, futurists dream of small nuclear power reactor system spread out across the country, hardening the grid. Lefty “environmentalists” scoff at that–they say the technology is too dangerous to be widespread.

But wait, don’t we already have such technology? The first nuclear submarine was, IIRC, built in the early 1950s. Other than the Thresher in the early 60s, have we ever lost a nuclear sub? Plus, there are numerous aircraft carriers that are powered by small nuclear reactors.

Oh, and ALL these are run by 18-year-olds with only a high school degree. Don’t get me wrong, there are a TON of wicked smart people involved up and down the chain, but these nuclear reactors have been shown to be quite safe. And they work in one of the materially harshest settings known to man (salt water and combat)!

And the technology is well-established to make them safe–foolproof, really. Molten salt reactors are almost totally safe! The “environmentalist” kooks hate nuclear energy for completely irrational reasons, yet they also want electric cars and such, which, if adopted on a wide scale, would totally overwhelm the power grid.

Meanwhile, wind and solar farms are a total environmental nightmare! The blades and photo-voltaic panels are NOT recyclable. So these scammers just bury the waste in a great big hole. Unreal.

Serious environmentalists are BIG fans of modern nuclear power. And we have the technology and skills to implement nuclear power today! Someday we may have better batteries (NOT just bigger ones) and space-based solar might make sense. But today is not that day!