Current Events

As is said in

LOTR (King Théoden), “Oft, evil will shall evil mar.” And THAT is what we are seeing.

I’m quite convinced that Trump actually won the 2020 election, and the Left stole it from him and installed a senile puppet, Joe Biden. But regardless, Senile Joe was the official President and Trump sat and stewed.

The result was that voters were very angry about it. And Trump chafed for 4 years and planned what he would do and who would be on his team if he got back in, understandably angry about being made a victim. And the anger of the electorate built and built with every numbskull thing Joe Biden did and every dementia moment he had (and there were many of both).

Then, at the last second, the Left tried to replace Joe with Kamala. Joe was just too obviously senile to run again. But Kamala was a horrible candidate! I mean, REALLY bad.

So then Trump won 2024. Voters were justifiably angry about all that had happened and Trump won in a landslide. And so Trump very much knew just what he was going to do and how he was going to do it in his second term. He knew who he would bring in. He had had a while to think about it…

Now had he just done a second term in the usual way, there would indeed have been some minor bumps in the Lefty road. Minor. But in 2020 Democrats ran and then grossly cheated for Biden–because he was the least non-viable of any candidate that they could tolerate (Tulsi was not even a question for them). Plus the Democrat bigwigs figured the could control Joe (which was mostly true).

But then there was this:

I just don’t think we would have seen such intensity either in Trump or in the electorate if the Left had just played it straight. Trump was elected this time to break furniture–and he certainly will! Indeed, “Oft, evil will shall evil mar.”

Defeat isn’t always the worst political outcome for a party. As we very plainly see here! Trump is now getting victory after victory. The world is generally getting more and more conservative. Plus, JD Vance will be a totally formidable candidate for Leftists–and as of right now, Democrats got NO ONE! Tick, tick, tick…