“Get ’em skeered and keep the skeer on ’em,” was Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s timeless advice about combat. President Donald Trump is a Yankee and Elon Musk is an awkward super-genius immigrant but I swear those two have been reading up on their Confederate history.
… It isn’t all fun and games, sadly. The Left doxxed at least one of the young computer geniuses Musk brought with him to OPM to untangle the spilled spaghetti mess of slush-fund spending at USAID and other agencies [ed. actually, it was more like six]. There were two assassination attempts on Trump last year, so there’s no doubt in my mind the Left won’t happily trigger some other nut into taking a shot or two at one of Musk’s whiz kids.
There is simply no question that the Lefty “evil empire” will not go softly into that good night. To coin a phrase, they will rage, rage against the drying up of the gravy train. And they WILL harm anyone who they think is a threat to them (i.e. doxxing, assassinations, etc.).
So get ’em skeered and keep the skeer on ’em.