Fighting Back Political philosophy Political Strategy

Strategically, it’s

time to press the advantage.

“Get ’em skeered and keep the skeer on ’em,” was Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s timeless advice about combat. President Donald Trump is a Yankee and Elon Musk is an awkward super-genius immigrant but I swear those two have been reading up on their Confederate history.

… It isn’t all fun and games, sadly. The Left doxxed at least one of the young computer geniuses Musk brought with him to OPM to untangle the spilled spaghetti mess of slush-fund spending at USAID and other agencies [ed. actually, it was more like six]. There were two assassination attempts on Trump last year, so there’s no doubt in my mind the Left won’t happily trigger some other nut into taking a shot or two at one of Musk’s whiz kids.

There is simply no question that the Lefty “evil empire” will not go softly into that good night. To coin a phrase, they will rage, rage against the drying up of the gravy train. And they WILL harm anyone who they think is a threat to them (i.e. doxxing, assassinations, etc.).

So get ’em skeered and keep the skeer on ’em.