Democrat Death-Rattle

Yes, yes

it is!

Trump and the GOP promised the voters that, if elected, they would enact policies to secure the nation’s borders, reduce inflation, control government spending, ensure affordable and abundant energy, make the “American Dream” accessible to everyone, safeguard fair and honest elections, defend parental rights, and protect free speech.

The MAGA centrist policy goals resonated with Americans.  Trump won the Electoral College by a robust 312-226 margin, won the popular vote handily, and swept all seven battleground states.  Over the last three presidential election cycles, Trump has moved Ohio and Florida from swing state status to Republican locks.

The Democrat sotto voce cry to “make America a stinking dung-heap” is really not all that popular. Yet they continue to go there. Why?

Well, I think they really can’t help themselves. They are so used to instant gratification that they rarely see beyond that. And their Trump hatred is held with delusional intensity, and they simply can’t abide agreeing with him–regardless of how big or small the issue at hand might be!

See, it’s not thinking. It is emotional incontinence. And it quickly overflows into the behavioral realm.

So these Democrats look/act like lunatics as a knee-jerk reaction to Trump. Again, that’s not a reasoned, considered response. And it’s not at all attractive to a thinking person.

It makes regular people say, “Oookaaay…” as they back away slowly.

Even kooky Trump-haters like Mitt Romney are noticing:

However, it’s not just the economy driving this political transformation; there’s also a social divide.  According to Senator Romney, Americans now view the Democrats as a party of “college professors and woke ‘scolds.’”