Fraud Media Flying Monkeys

But here’s my question:

Why on earth are you still so easily taken in by this crap? Have you even considered that? What is it about YOU that makes you such an easy mark?

As of last December, these were all incontrovertible facts. But before that they were nutty conspiracy theories. WHEN will you wise up?

Media Flying Monkeys


pretty much…


And as long as we are doing this:

Current Events Voter Fraud

Yeah, it’s a

real question, isn’t isn’t it?

That said, now is NOT the time to get overconfident and complacent. Understand well that unless YOU pay serious attention, the Left is gonna steal this one, too!

Culture Politics

Democrats just

got stomped.

Guys, it’s just the beginning…

People, run for school boards and other local positions!

That said, let’s not get complacent, folks. It’s on. And Democrats will fight like cornered rats. So DON’T think it’s over.

Current Events

Yes, the political

“hit” on Joe Biden has very clearly gone out.

BUT, what next for Democrats? They’re a bit in the soup given that Harris is such an utter nightmare for them.

And this is bad timing for public opinion to solidify against them!

Current Events


yes they should.


Look, I’m a scientist,

and a bit of a theoretical statistician. So for me, I want to look at odds and probabilities. That’s why I am skeptical of completely naturalistic explanations for life. Of course there is micro evolution. Animal breeders have known THAT for thousands of years. DUH!

But where is the evidence for macro evolution? It’s one thing to produce woolier sheep or a certain color of eyes through breeding selection. It is quite another to go from sheep to birds! I mean, just where does the information for the new structures come from? And why are there no intermediary steps in the fossil record? (See: Cambrian explosion)

RANDOMNESS? That hardly seems likely! We need to look at odds and probabilities, here.

“His experiments revealed that, for every one DNA sequence that generates a short functional protein fold of just 150 amino acids in length, there are 10(77) nonfunctional combinations—combinations that will not form a stable three-dimensional protein fold capable of performing a specific biological function.

—Stephen Meyer. The Return Of The God Hypothesis

And remember, just one protein fold won’t do it. Many are needed for an even rudimentary function. And all these protein folds have happen at once–I mean, what survival value is there in 1/3 of a mammalian eye?

See, material evolution scribes tend to blithely wave off such objections with a casual, “over millions of years.” But that just won’t do. There simply is not enough time (statistical space) in the 13 billion years of the universe for that to be even remotely likely.

No, as a scientist who is a bit wedded to statistics and probability, I honestly don’t have enough faith to go down that materialist road…


The secret

to happiness (especially in regard to Leftists):


The Democrats

should be very worried. This may not happen. But it very well might. And to have it happen in France may well be a harbinger of what will happen here.

Why? Because in a huge shift, the left and the right hate the establishment more than they hate each other. Gurfinkiel says that what he calls the “Resentment Coalition” of left and right could command as much as 60% of the electorate. (It turns out that the “fringes,” put together, might make a supermajority.)

… The 2016 election of President Donald Trump was something of a “Resentment Coalition” victory itself. And that’s because our establishment has given citizens a lot to resent. (Media organizations promised to look into the Trump phenomenon, then quickly turned to demonizing Trump’s voters instead.)

If the establishment doesn’t want that, maybe it should stop inspiring resentment.

Media Flying Monkeys

The new MSM

COVID narrative: