
The FACT of the

matter is that Dementia Joe is running scared.

Like pretty much all Leftists, if Joe thought for a second that he could win a debate, he would do it in a heartbeat!

But Joe, like pretty much ALL Lefties, knows very well that he would get his clock cleaned in a contest of logic and reason. There is a very good reason for his (and their) ongoing refusal to engage.

Let’s call it what it is: It’s psychopathological avoidance…

Dementia Joe

Well, yeah.

Pretty much.

Bizarre Buffoons

Oh, Biden

consulted with actors who pretended to be President, eh?

“Who at the real White House thought this was a good idea?!?! Yikes,” Ric Grenell, former acting DNI under Trump, also wondered. 

Yikes, indeed! <gasps for breath>

It’s just SO cringey!

UPDATE: Meth prices went up in DC. There was a shortage because of Joe and the SOTU. It will take about a week and a crate full of Valium for Joe to now come down…

Despotism Stooooopid!

If you are going

to prohibit people from defending themselves the YOU naturally bear responsibility if they are injured through your actions.

After all, it only makes sense, as it is the owners posting “No Guns” signs on their property that are leaving gun owners defenseless in areas where criminals have no qualms about having a gun.

… “All we want to make sure is, if you’re in the store or anywhere and it has a ‘no gun’ sign, then that store needs to understand they have absolute custodial care of that person,” Rep. Momtahan said of the measure.

Look, it’s only fair. If I a damaged by you policies, you may be legally liable for any damages that result in you action. Hey, I might feel scared and anxious even if no gang-bangers walk in with guns! You may be liable for that, too, Mr. property owner/leaseholder!

You wanna play the lawfare game? OK, but you won’t like it!

According to the text of the legislation, “Any lawful weapons carrier who is prohibited from carrying his or her weapon, including a concealed weapon, and who is injured, suffers bodily injury or death, or incurs economic loss or expense, property damage, or any other compensable loss as the result of conduct of another person occurring on property where the lawful possession of weapons is prohibited, shall have a cause of action against the person, business, or other entity that owns or legally controls such property and causes such prohibition to occur. In addition to damages, the lawful weapons carrier shall be entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees, expert witness costs, and other costs necessary to bring the cause of action.”

But that could also render the owner if a citizen doesn’t even own a gun with them: “I would have bought and carried a gun but the sign said they weren’t allowed.”

And gee, what if a person suffered injury at another location because he or she didn’t have a gun with them solely because they thought they might drop by that store?

Current Events

When I was in

high school, “The Life of Brian” was a couple years old, but very “edgy” and counter-culture. It was a middle finger to genteel society.

It still is. But now the prissy school-marms of the Left are the ones who are offended–and unlike the Right, they are totally brutal. The counter-culture is now ironclad culture, and Lefties will enforce it with a ruthlessness and viciousness that was simply never seen when it was “traditional” people objecting. And the Left will just brook no dissent. They will crush you like a bug if you step a toe out of line.

It’s no wonder that modern pop music sucks so bad! It’s no wonder that comedy is dead–there can be no more “Blazing Saddles” or “The Life of Brian” now. I mean, Monty Python as a whole is right out… The Lefty schoolmarms reign.

NOW, to be Conservative is to be counter-culture. The spirit of punk rock is simply no longer with corporate sellouts like Billy Idol or craven suck-ups like The “Rock The Casbah” Ramones. No, it’s with Conservatives now.

Current Events

Biden is facing

some real discontent.

With 98 percent of the vote counted by late Wednesday morning, Joe Biden had brought in over 171,000 votes, or 70.7 percent. “Uncommitted” brought in over 45,000 votes, or 18.9 percent, according to the Associated Press.

If Biden got about 70% of the vote, why did about 30% refuse to vote for him? THAT has got to be mighty troubling for team Biden. I mean, Joe was running unopposed! And he only got 70%?

That’s more than a bit like Nikki Haley losing to “other” in the Nevada primary! Sure, a win. But…

Current Events

Yes, don’t

cut your nose off to spite your face! I mean honestly, it just makes no logical sense!

It’s like saying that the green beans were boiled and not steamed so I am going to protest and eat a cow-pie instead!


Now that we’re getting dialed in for our “Groundhog Day” 2024 presidential election as far as the candidates go, the Republicans can focus on what they do best: tripping over themselves with internecine squabbles rather than focusing on beating the Democrats. A contested primary provides some cover for intra-party turmoil, even one that was never really a contest. 

Very often, it feels as if Republican voters and politicians fall in love with the sound of their feet stomping during what they think is a righteous tantrum and lose sight of who their real enemies are. I said to a friend last week that I don’t know how this party ever wins any elections.

… it bears repeating: this is not the election to let one’s feelings get in the way. Or matter at all. We are voting for a president who will hopefully reverse some of the damage done by the commies who are running Joe Biden’s brain. We’re not looking for a significant other or a prom date. 

Always remember who the real enemy is…


And the numbers

are going to rise a lot! Just wait…

These are utterly catastrophic numbers for Biden. If the numbers are anything like that in November, Biden is absolute toast!

Dementia Joe

The Biden staff

are getting ready for Joe to give the big speech:

Let’s see if he can get through without a complete breakdown, without symbolically crapping his pants. And if he does, just wait for Biden lackeys to gush about how cognitively intact he is!

But he’s not. Just look at video of him talking at the start of the Obama second term and now. The difference is just stunning! You don’t have to be a weatherman to figure out which way the wind’s blowing!


THIS is the

final common pathway of ALL Leftism.