Banana Republic of Brandon

Boy, isn’t Biden

world awesome?

Banana Republic of Brandon

If true, I’m not

at all surprised. At all.

Tensions are rising between President Biden and blue state Democrats trying to stem the tide of migrants flowing from Republican border states.

Banana Republic of Brandon Civil Rights

Some important

life instructions…

Bad Faith Banana Republic of Brandon

It truly IS

unreal! Are we living in some horrific Kafka novel?

It is beyond surreal that the Democrats are hell-bent on punishing Donald Trump for questioning the results of an election by proving that they are willing to go to any lengths to tamper with an election. This time they’re making sure that they get a huge head start.

… Even Trump’s Republican detractors find the relentless Democrat political jihad against Trump objectionable. I’ve lost count of how many people I’ve talked to in recent months who had grown weary of Trump’s antics but were growing more sympathetic to him because of these trash indictments.

Bad Faith Banana Republic of Brandon Corruption

Now indeed they

are not even trying to hide it!

Bad Faith Banana Republic of Brandon Captain Obvious

Oh, so things

have changed! And just why do you think that might be? Fortunately, the judge exercised good sense!

Banana Republic of Brandon Current Events

Why would

you even be surprised?

If Joe Biden thought siccing his Department of Justice on Donald Trump would keep him from returning to the White House, that strategy appears to be backfiring.

… If the latest indictment hasn’t made Trump unviable for the presidency in the eyes of the voters, it is plausible that it has actually boosted him. In fact, we’ve seen it before. After his first indictment in Manhattan by the George Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg, Trump was beating Biden by seven points in the Rasmussen poll after he’d been behind Biden by three points before the indictment. That’s a ten-point swing in Trump’s favor. Biden was also beating Trump by four points in the YouGov survey before that indictment, and then Trump was leading by two points after — a six-point swing in Trump’s favor.

See, at some point there is a “preference cascade.” There is a cultural break, and the Biden house of cards comes tumbling down. It’s like the person who was (allegedly) was asked how he went bankrupt, he supposedly said, “Gradually at first, then all of a sudden.”

Biden may well find that his popularity evaporates gradually at first, but then all of a sudden.

If the Biden administration thinks that the indictments will keep Trump out of office, they’re making a risky gamble. Trump gets to spend the next fifteen months campaigning on the fact that he’s a target of prosecutorial misconduct at the hands of the Biden administration. This will not only make GOP voters extremely angry and send them rushing to the polls, but it will also terrify independent voters who are concerned about a weaponized justice system.

Bad Faith Banana Republic of Brandon Current Events

Well yeah,

that’s pretty much true…

Bad Faith Banana Republic of Brandon

It is SO

transparently election interference that most of us just yawn and roll our eyes. It is a sick, juvenile joke, and any non-hack with an IQ over room temperature knows it! It is obvious.

Here’s the deal: Whenever there is crappy news for Biden (Devon Archer testified yesterday), “Biden” can just indict Trump again. Ho hum. It is SO predictable! Look at recent history! THAT is very clearly the “Biden” strategy.

It won’t work, you know…

All this does is harden Trump support. It doesn’t convince anyone.

Banana Republic of Brandon Captain Obvious

I very much

believe that the White House is MORE than eager to see Hunter’s sweetheart plea deal finalized.

First, it is indeed a back-door pardon. Oh, Joe could formally pardon him (and he very certainly will, as he goes out the door), but it would be political suicide to do so now.

Second, if (as seems likely) it was Hunter who brought cocaine into the White House, that would almost for sure violate the terms of his plea bargain, and expose him to prison time.

THAT is why the White House is so determined to say it was not Hunter. But, of course, it VERY likely was. There are only a few people the Secret Service does not search as they come in–mainly the family of the President and VP.