Basic Economics Stooooopid!

Oh yeah,

THAT is going to help!

Look, I don’t know, but I’m relatively sure that Manchin got some sort of “offer he couldn’t refuse.” Sinema was probably an easier “pull.”

Basic Economics Biden Recession

Well, it’s

true. And I think that almost everyone understands that. Even Democrats get that.

Almost half (47%) of Democratic voters also said they believe the economy is in a recession. 

Yeah, DUH!

Basic Economics

Always remember:

Going “green” = death.

Last week, major German cities, such as Berlin, Munich, and Nuremberg, decided to cut off hot water and turn off lights after Russia slashed the gas supply. Public offices, kindergartens, schools, and gyms in cities across Germany will have to go without warm water. Outdoor lighting of monuments, including the landmark Brandenburg Gate, has been turned off.

Basic Economics Current Events

It’s easy to let

Sinema take all the flak, but it’s beginning to show perhaps she is not the only one.

But this is far from over, even IF Sinema and all the other Dems are, however reluctantly, on board.

Basic Economics Psychopathological Denial

As a psychologist, I

really understand how powerful denial of reality is.

Basic Economics

Until we get

decent battery technology, electric cars are pretty much a non-starter, a bauble of the rich and smug.

Basically, if you get one now, you are just betting that technology will change before you need a new battery. Well, maybe it will pay off for you.

I personally would LOVE for electric cars to be feasible for most people. The torque is incredible!

Basic Economics


pretty much…

You pretty much have to be a total economic ignoramus to buy Democrat economic theories. Unfortunately, ignoramuses are all too thick on the ground…

Basic Economics Stooooopid!

Honestly, I want

to scream to the Biden administration, saying:

What, are you STUPID?

Basic Economics

OK Joe,

you have entertained us quite enough. I guess we have to get rid of Democrats and Joe Biden in order to have the economy recover.

Basic Economics Biden-induced misery Buffoons


how inept IS Biden?

Pretty dang inept, and if YOU voted for him you should be embarrassed and maybe you should sit the next few elections out until you can learn to be wiser.

The public would do well to ignore anything Biden says about inflation, given his horrible track record when it comes to this topic. Since prices started their upward climb in March 2021, Biden has by turns claimed that it was the result of a booming economy, that it was temporary, that it was the result of supply chain bottlenecks, and most recently that Vladimir Putin is to blame.

When not making fact-free claims like those, Biden simply lies. Take his oft-repeated claim that Europeans have it far worse on inflation. Even Newsweek magazine felt obliged to conclude in its fact check “that Biden’s statement that U.S. inflation is the ‘lowest of almost every major nation’ is largely inaccurate.”

All the numbers are explained at the link.