Barbaric! Bat-crap crazy!

But these masks

are not just primitive talismans but are good for blocking viruses, right? Right?

Remember, ash and smoke and particles are HUNDREDS of times larger than viruses…

Bat-crap crazy! Current Events

You know,

it’s nice to see! Make ’em pay!

Jackson Local School District will pay a Christian teacher six figures for trying to compel her to address two self-declared transgender students by their preferred pronouns. Vivian Geraghty had filed a lawsuit against the school district, claiming it violated her First Amendment rights. 

Let’s be clear: This was NOT about the teacher using a “wrong” pronoun. This was about the teacher artfully refusing to use ANY pronoun at all. The teacher was not disciplined for using a non-preferred pronoun–she was disciplined for failing to make use of the pronoun the student wanted!

Bat-crap crazy! Bizarre

Of course she

is profane. So be warned. But you hardly need the sound on to enjoy the utter meltdown. THIS is what happens when people are regularly spared from the consequences of the behavior!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the juvenile, loony Left!

Bat-crap crazy!

Yeah, THAT’s

not crazy at all!

Bad Faith Barbaric! Bat-crap crazy!

Well, it turns out

that having testicles IS an advantage when boxing against women! Who knew?

Bat-crap crazy! Captain Obvious

The Democrats

have gone bat-crap crazy!

Anger Bat-crap crazy! Captain Obvious

The national debt

really is frightening. And it is unsustainable. Either we cut bak spending massively, or we become insolvent. THAT is the choice before us, and there’s really no way to sugar-coat it.

It’s time to pay the piper. The drug binge is over, and now the hangover is here.

If you are not frightened, you should be!

And we keep giving Ukraine BILLIONS? And Obama gave the Iranian Mullahs PALLETS of cash? Holy crap!

Dude, we don’t have the money for this kind of stupidity! Sorry, we’re tapped out!

It’s hard to see a way back from this disaster. This is six figures of debt for every American man, woman, child, and people of indeterminate gender. Everyone has a part in this. Everyone owns a piece of this debt. And the more the government soaks up debt, the more debt costs the business sector; this calamity affects the economy from top to bottom, and we just keep racking it up. The federal debt affects interest rates, affects stock market volatility, and has the potential to destabilize the entire financial system.

…Bear in mind that when I talk about cutting federal spending, I’m not talking about reductions in the rate of increase, or nibbling around the edges. When you have a serious wound, the first step is to stop the bleeding, and the United States is facing serious arterial hemorrhaging. I’m not hearing any political candidate, anywhere, discussing what must be done: Someone needs to come in and swing a meat axe, defunding and disbanding every federal agency not specifically authorized by the Constitution.
EPA? Gone.
Education? Gone
Energy? Gone
Americorps? Gone.
Labor? Gone.
Commerce? Gone.
IRS? You’re damn right gone.

Bat-crap crazy!

I wouldn’t be

a bit surprised. Kamala has a well-deserved reputation for being the boss from Hell. From yesterday:

Bat-crap crazy!

Honestly, why

would any reasonable person vote for this ditz? It HAS to be a foam-flecked Trump hatred. There’s no other explanation that makes a lick of sense!

This, my friends, explains it ALL! It is absolutely NOT about Kamala and her low-IQ and competence. Democrats simply don’t vote for Kamala because they like her. They vote for her because they have been duped by the MSM and others into hating Trump. It is NOT a vote “for.” It is 100% a vote “against.”

They can’t tell you why they hate Trump, exactly And they can’t tell you why they like Harris. But so it is…

A Butt-Kicking Bat-crap crazy!

Folks, be an

Uncle Kevin!

But Uncle Kevin knows zhe isn’t done yet. She’s attacked meat eaters and testosterone but has yet to call anyone a racist, and no party is over until a Marxist finds a reason to call someone a racist. And that’s what Gay plans to do: lure Uncle Kevin into a trap and call him a racist.