
It’s funny, once

“celebrities” start getting their houses burned down, they get a little critical of the CA government. Amazing, that.

Gellar is just one of many blasting Democrat leadership in California — which has spent decades under one party (Democrats) rule — amid raging wildfires that broke out in various regions of Los Angeles on Tuesday and spread due to extreme winds, causing historic destruction of homes and displacing tens of thousands of people.

Lefties need to hear the truth, here:

Change Culture

Huh, that is

interesting. And you KNOW that this would not have happened if Trump had not been re-elected!

In another victory for free speech, Meta has announced that Facebook will no longer employ third-party “fact checkers.” Instead, it will adopt a system similar to X’s “community notes” feature.

Yes, it’s a good thing. I don’t want to read too much into it, but it is good.

I don’t know whether Zuckerberg has joined our team, but he definitely has left the left behind.


Things really

ARE different this time! Leftism as a whole is in retreat, and they are fighting rearguard actions. Are they dangerous? Yes. Will they be able to inflict pain and damage? Also yes.

But there is a world-wide rejection of Leftism.THAT makes Lefty apparatchiks very dangerous. The rat may indeed be cornered, but it can still bite–it can still inflict damage!


The FIRST step

in change is to admit you were wrong. And Leftism allies with narcissism to prevent that first step…

Lefties, admit, come clean, and change.


Oh yeah, I hope

it will stay forever. But I doubt it will <sigh>.

There have been a few people on the Left who have been honestly assessing how some of it went so horribly wrong for them this year, and they aren’t painting pretty pictures.

… Many reliable Democratic voters have admitted that the pitiful state of the Biden-Harris economy drove them to vote for Trump. Not only did the Dems wreck the economy, they were in full-throated denial about having done so. Their flying monkeys in the mainstream media ran interference for them, essentially telling voters who expressed concerns about the economy that they were idiots. 

… The Dems are in need of more than just a quick rebranding and slick sales job from their friends in the media. They need a complete overhaul. The good news for Republicans is that Democratic elites are just as dishonest with themselves as they are with the voters. It’s unlikely that they’ll be able to admit what’s truly wrong with the party for a while.

See, if I am so full of myself that I can’t admit my shortcomings, the chance of me correcting them is essentially ZERO. Without some real humility, actual change is impossible. That’s why pride has been described as the universal sin–it absolutely prevents any change or repentance.

If I can never do Step One and admit I was wrong, I just can never change at all. Only superficial tactics can change, but never the basic principles. I might change hats in that case, but the head is just the same as it was…


Looking at the (very)

recent Budget Democrat gambit, it really could have a whole lot worse. Maybe that is an overly cheerful take, but I don’t think so. Democrats were bent (as they always seem to be) on diarrhea-like, incontinent spending. They also sought to tie the incoming, legitimately-elected President’s hands.

But it didn’t work this time, a departure from the history of Democrats always getting their way in such matters. AI made short work of this 1,600-page pig and Elon Musk publicized the money-grab. It ALL went public. Exploded, really.

What passed was certainly not perfect. But it was only 116 pages long. Lots of crap was cut out. Baby steps…


Ideal? No.

But perhaps the best Republicans could realistically hope for given the lay of the land. It went from a 1,547-page monstrosity to a 118-page bill.

Now I think that it has been abundantly shown that a “government shutdown” is nothing to be feared, at all. In fact, it is perhaps something to be ardently hoped for.

We won’t have a “government shutdown”? Too bad. Last time we had a “government shutdown,” voters were on to it. They saw that government continued unabated, for better and worse, and understood that government shutdown hysteria is just Democratic Party propaganda. I don’t think “government shutdown” is anything for Republicans to fear.

So things, while not perfect are OK. they are moving in the right direction.

Musk also backed the final bargain, tweeting: “The Speaker did a good job here, given the circumstances. It went from a bill that weighed pounds to a bill that weighed ounces. Ball should now be in the Dem court.”

As the Haitian proverb says, “Piti par piti zwazo-a fè niche-li. “Little by little the bird makes its nest…”

Change Hope

Oh yes, there has

been a real shift.

The NJ drones brouhaha is merely a descant to the “tune” of change. Can you hear the people sing? Well, can ya?

The bottom line is that the country’s cultural confidence account has been lavishly replenished. There will, as is inevitable in this sublunary world, be disappointments ahead. But there will also be many, many successes as the aftermath of Trump’s victory solidifies first into a movement and then into a consensus. We are, as I put it early in November, “on the threshold of a political and social counter-revolution.”

Regular people Lefties need to either get on board or get run over and left in the dust.

Change Lefty Political Philosophy

Yes, the Democrats

have “the stench of loser” all over them.

“I think, unfortunately, the Democratic Party has the stench of loser written all over the party,” Li told host Kevin Corke. “And I’m sorry, I’m speaking as a Democrat myself, this brings me no joy to say it, but I feel like the Democrats are going to be consigned to the wilderness for at least the next four to eight years.”

… “So this is — I think we’re about to embark on an entirely new era of prosperity, I certainly hope so,” she added. “And, yeah, you can just feel it. Even in the last couple of weeks, Americans are celebrating, Trump’s approval rating is incredibly high, and people are in support of his transition. The momentum is just tremendous, and I’m speaking as a Democrat, and I’m feeling it as well.”

The problem for Democrats is that they will have to admit they were wrong before they can make actual changes. They have to be able top take Step One, and I’ve seen nothing yet that the party is either willing or psychologically able to make such a step. Sure, there are some individual Democrats who can do it, but there seems to be no change in the party as a whole.

But they will keep losing until they can face the actual facts of their situation. But THAT doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon!

Change Choosing

Yes indeed,

there is a shift on the ground.

I think it will be a few months before it is clear what is happening, but something sure is! In the best possible outcome, the long night of the Lefty Orc is ending, and we are seeing some lightening of the sky in the East…

Still, you have to CHOSE who you are and what you believe in. But NOW is the time for ALL good people to come to the aid of their country!