
You know,

I really think it IS a good sign.

High school and early college age is, in many ways, a time for rebellion. In dress, music, and point-of-view this is a time for exploring and trying things out. They will be 25 soon enough. Yes, it’s a dangerous time for kids because some choices have ramifications that are permanent, but we ALL still have to negotiate that life phase in ways that we think are good for us.

The idea that people this age won’t rebel is stupid and unrealistic. And the coercive Lefty schoolmarms have made it virtually inevitable that kids will rebel against them.

Rebellion is an important developmental task. Better to steer it into productive paths than to just squeeze harder and harder.

And the professors are utterly mockworthy. They claim that somebody identifying as an Apache Helicopter (a common meme that makes fun of self-assigned genders) on a survey is indicative of White Supremacy, when in fact it indicates nothing more than a healthy contempt for their supposed betters who are so disconnected from the study of engineering that they are conducting this survey.

But this is dang funny! It is just precious to see these inflated ego people get hoisted on their own petard.

Our common sense puts things into categories for a reason, and once you throw that and every objective standard out the window, Apache Attack Helicopter is no more absurd than Agender trisexual who marries a doll, which would likely be accepted by the professors.


Is there something

of a cultural backlash?

I think the Left has finally crossed the line and now are getting pushback. This is just another brick in the wall…

Change Culture

Vive la FRANCE!

Yeah, whatever. Honestly, I’m not at all sure that France as we once knew it even exists anymore. The French culture we once knew is gone. It is there only in memory, in story, in song, and in film…

Captain Obvious Culture Current Events

Obviously, a man

of the people! Can you even imagine Joe Biden or Gavin Newsom doing something like this? I sure can’t!

And the best part? No sniffing kids and no falling down!

Culture GetWokeGoBroke

I think they

need a little Bud Lighting!

In what is unlikely to be a coincidence, Unilever, the parent company of Ben & Jerry’s, has lost $4.29 billion in market cap since before the tweet was sent. On Monday, the company’s market cap was $133.5 billion, as of Thursday, it is $129.2 billion.

You know, Conservative people eat ice cream, too. And there are many options out there…

Culture Justice

The combination

of Lefty violence and lax law enforcement is a powder-keg of vigilanteism.

I’ve said this over and over and over before. Vigilanteism is bad, don’t get me wrong. But it is understandable, and it is a HUGE cultural meme–there have been few dramas in the last 200 years that were not rooted firmly in vigilanteism. Probably RomCom (not drama) is the only genre that is NOT expressly vigilante-driven. And even then vigilanteism may well be there in some limited measure…

I mean, think about it! Even in modern literature. What is The Order of the Phoenix but a vigilante group? When Harry thought Sirius was in danger, he didn’t call the police…

Look, when people feel that the laws are not being fairly and evenly applied and that they or loved ones are in danger or unfairly treated because of it, you get vigilanteism. Good and fair police work and an overriding fair rule of law prevent vigilanteism.


Honestly, there

is nothing that crap-eating “wokeness” won’t kill. The Indiana Jones franchise is now a weak and insufferable parody of itself.

Here’s the iron rule: Didacticism utterly destroys whatever art it infects.

That is NOT to say that there can’t be moral or persuasive art–there can be. It’s just that in that case the didacticism is greatly secondary to the artistic expression itself–it is an organic outgrowth of the artist’s way of being in the world, not a ham-handed “lesson.”

How is it that these people don’t know this LONG understood issue? Even something as non-crucial as Greedo being altered so he shoots first. Scene ruined. And Han Solo’s character arc was hugely diminished.

JK Rowling famously did the same thing to the end of the final “Harry Potter” book, and it was jarringly discordant with the story arc. The result? The ending of the last book was a loser and that ineptitude infected the entire second half of the book. It was lame. It was hectoring, it was not being true to the characters. She couldn’t stick the landing. Therefore, many people just pretend that the last one was not written–at least the second half.

It’s a hazardous path. When an author or other artist crams an unruly character to fit into the Procrustean bed of his or her socio-political belief system, the work virtually always ceases to be compelling.

The work becomes a lesson from an old ruler-wielding schoolmarm, not art.

Culture Current Events

Yes, we are

seeing a pretty drastic shift, here. It’s a big deal.

Next, Chevron Deference bites the dust, striking an even more staggering blow to the bureaucratic state…

Culture Stooooopid!

Folks, behold

the definition of, “PWNED!”

THAT, my friend, is a full-body burn! I’m not sure Kimmel’s getting up after that. Is he dumb as a sack of hair? Apparently…

I think he is just mad that Hollywood and the movie theaters shut down because of COVID and nobody in the public cared one bit!

Where are the young movie stars to pull the movies out of the crapper? I can think of a few, but you can count them on one hand and have fingers left over.

Quick! Name a big movie star under the age of 50. And remember, Tom Cruise turns 61 in a couple of days. Daniel Craig is 55. Jackie Chan is just a few months shy of 70. Harrison Ford turns 81 in two weeks or so. Maybe Angelina Jolie, who is only 48–but I’m not sure she really counts.

But Chris Pratt does–he is only 44. Are there others that leap to the minds of people who are not Hollywood aficionados?


Words of

wisdom from Mr. Rogers.

He couldn’t do that song today, now could he? Funny how drastically things have changed in just a few years.

Many, perhaps most, Lefties self-describe themselves as not having changed. But is there any question that they indeed have?