Current Events

This is starting

to happen an awful lot! And by HUGE figures in the Democrat party. It really is getting impossible to ignore.

It’s a pattern. This is NOT random. Dems are hoping for the proverbial “soft landing.” I’m not at all sure they’ll get it.

Now whether it leads to Slo Joe getting out I honestly don’t know. BUT, I think that if the DNC gaffes off a black woman to run a white cis male like Gavin Newsom there will be a major conflict!

Current Events Deception False Flag

It’s finally (kinda)

released. BUT

Oh wow. I didn’t think it would ever happen. And it didn’t, voluntarily. BUT, there may be other stuff; It is not complete. Nor does it answer the question of why the Left so desperately wanted to hide it. Is it just the anti-Christian stuff and the racism against whites? It’s hard to imagine that that is all it was about. 

But just why did the PD spokesman say that it was “so detailed “ that it was dangerous to release? THAT sure doesn’t fit what we have so far! So why was it kept secret for months if there was absolutely nothing there? And why a partial release now? What changed? It all just makes no sense! 

And when things make no sense, you can be absolutely sure that you don’t have some crucial information. I think that the information was GOING to finally come out, so the Leftists in charge “beat them to the punch” and released it (mostly) themselves with some cock-and-bull cover story.

“Leaked,” my butt. It wasn’t even the complete text! The “release” is very obviously a disinformation ploy. All smoke and mirrors. What was originally reported as the reason why it could not be released was not even there!

So HUH? There’s something screwy, here! Bank on it.

UDATE: But is it actually the “manifesto?” Or was it just some other set of psychotic ramblings?

Someone leaked three pages of notebook paper in Hale’s handwriting to Steven Crowder. These pages are not the “manifesto,” although they may come from the same notebook. Rather, they appear to be the notes that Ms. Hale made on the last days of her life

With additional information, my guess is this: What was revealed was done so on purpose, and it wasn’t the manifesto at all. It was just some wacko rantings. And it was not a “leak” at all–it was a strategy.

In my view, even more salient than the ideological question on which the “manifesto” would shed light is the chemical question. Audrey Hale was caught up in the “trans” fad. Shortly before her death, she decided that she was “really” a man. Was she undergoing the chemical regimen associated with sex change operations? I don’t know. I am not sure whether this has been publicly reported. But rates of mental illness are sky-high among those who believe themselves to be “trans,” and it could be valuable for health professionals to know whether a chemical regimen contributed to Hale’s homicidal mental condition.

But all of that will have to wait for another day. The “manifesto” is still hidden, and honest discussion of the biological implications of sex-change procedures is still far off.

Now it makes total sense that if this person was damaged by trans “treatment” and was, in fact, made more violent because of said treatments, that would make those who prescribed and encouraged her be personally as well as professionally legally liable. And with that precedent, prescribers and hospitals around the country IMMEDIATELY become legally liable for bad outcomes.

And no one would ever do it again because it would be legal suicide.

So the Left and ALL those involved in the “trans” fad would have a HUGE incentive to keep these things under wraps! THAT would well explain the release of “red herring” information to Crowder, too.

Suddenly things start to make sense…

Current Events


It’s time for Democrats to panic.

Oh, and the election is a year away, so things may get even worse for Biden…

But again, this is a “devil’s dilemma” for Democrats–Kamala rightfully is the next Democrat candidate. And can you just imagine the anger and protest from the African-American community if she is passed over?

But I really have doubts about the polls. NO ONE answers their phone anymore, if they even HAVE a land line. YouGov is online, but then how do they account for ‘bots? How do they get a representative sample? Are people who are willing to follow an online link different than others? Do partisans respond at a different rate than others? Yes, the pollsters have algorithms, but in that case it is just how the notoriously Lefty YouGov and CBSnews “massage” the data.

I strongly suspect that these Leftist are reporting the strongest results possible for Biden. And yes, even then Biden is trailing badly.

But yeah, Biden is losing.

It’s hard for this veteran presidential politics junkie to think of a more catastrophic collapse of an incumbent president in modern history than Joe Biden. Sure, Richard Nixon comes to the minds of some, but he was brought down by a single issue (the Watergate scandal).

… The Times/Sienna Poll shows Biden losing to Trump by margins of three to 10 percentage points among registered voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Biden leads in only Wisconsin — and by just two points, at that.

Current Events Dementia Joe

I think a LOT

of us doubt the wisdom of that.

BUT, Democrats are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, here. Joe is incompetent, sure. But Kamala is even worse, electorally.

Can you just imagine what the Black community would do if the DNC kicked her to the curb in favor of Gavin Newsom? The explosion would be nothing short of epic!

But Axelrod wants to see Joe bow out. It doesn’t seem like a wise move to me. Here’s what he says:

“It’s very late to change horses; a lot will happen in the next year that no one can predict & Biden’s team says his resolve to run is firm. He’s defied [conventional wisdom] before but this will send tremors of doubt thru the party–not ‘bed-wetting,’ but legitimate concern,” Axelrod wrote.

“The greatest concern is that his biggest liability is the one thing he can’t change,” Axelrod added. “Among all the unpredictables there is one thing that is sure: the age arrow only points in one direction.”

Axelrod is, of course, kind of bound to say some nice things about Biden, but the message is very clear: Get Biden the heck out of there because he won’t win!

Current Events

Huh. Let’s see

what happens.

But this is indeed good news for Republicans. But it’s not over ’till it’s over…

There could be some good news coming out of Kentucky for Republicans next Tuesday. It’s election day and the Republican candidate for governor is one point up in the latest poll over the popular incumbent Democrat running for re-election.

Bad Faith Current Events

Yes, Hamas is

a major problem for the Left. They both prefer and are somewhat forced into a morally indefensible position. And while they may not lose a ton of Jewish votes to the GOP (that is perhaps a bridge too far) they may indeed lose a ton of votes because Jewish people just stay home…

Current Events Elections

Democrats are facing

a real dilemma!

But truly IS the devil’s dilemma. Biden is riddled with dementia and Harris is just so offensive and unpalatable that she will almost for sure lose, and no amount of possible voter fraud can change that.

Current Events

So what will

Jewish people do?

It’s hard to know. They are really not a good fit for the Democrats. A catastrophically bad fit. But most are also not a natural fit for Republicans, particularly on abortion.

But Biden and the Democrats are SO anti-Jew that at best they will hold their noses and vote for him. And some won’t vote at all. A few will turn to Republicans.

Current Events Election Fraud


In a fair election, Trump cleans his clock. Again.

Of course, Democrats will work HARD to make sure the election is again not fair. Conservatives need to work harder to “true the vote” and keep Democrats from cheating their way to victory again.

Current Events

This is what

I want in a self-portrait!