Dementia Dishonesty Media Flying Monkeys

We ALL know ew he

was a senile old coot. And the MSM totally soiled themselves and revealed themselves as mere low-rent Renfields and total suck-ups by repeatedly lying and saying there was nothing wrong with him. They PROVED that they are congenital liars and only a damned fool would believe them!

Look, the hits just keep coming! If you watch this and DON’T think there is anything wrong with Biden, you are a blithering idiot, a shameless and dishonest partisan hack, or both.

Bizarre Dementia

Yeah, not

a good look for Democrats…

Dementia Incompetence

The party of

“youth.” Sure. The party of dementia, rather!

The trifecta of incapability. Biden, Feinstein, and Fetterman.

Democrats, we’re laughing at you!


Well, galloping

dementia is a son of a …

Dementia Liars

Oh, it certainly IS

true. Biden is a lying turd. Plain and simple.


There are things

for you to do!

Abortion Dementia

Senile Joe decides

to alienate everyone.

Maybe he’ll skate, since everyone knows a) he’s a liar and b) he’s not really making those decisions anyway–he’s just a figurehead.

Age-related decline Dementia Piss-poor judgment

AND it is

getting worse and worse.

YOU voted for this guy? Apologize!

It’s clear that Scar Biden is merely an evil Regent. And we are eagerly awaiting the return of the king!

To understand what’s happening, it’s best not to think of this as a Biden Presidency, but a Biden Regency.

Buffoons Dementia

Oooh, ooh! I know!

because he is both a loser and a senile old man!

Captain Obvious Dementia

What a freakin’

moron! This guy has gotten SO senile, SO demented that I honestly don’t know how much more of him the country can take!

Are YOU one of those idiots who actually voted for this guy? Really? How dumb was that?

This guy seems to me to be very clearly a pedophile.