Age-related decline Dementia

Hey Biden voters,

THIS is what you voted for!

Good job Biden voters. Good job…

Age-related decline Dementia

Quite the

motivational speaker, eh?

Even stupid people know this this guy is gorked! And those of us who are really NOT stupid (like the guy in the video) are just dumbfounded by the hackery of otherwise normal people…

Dementia Incompetence

It’s no


Why? Why did you vote for him? And why do you continue in your error?

Dementia Democrat Death-Rattle Epic fail

Ron Burgundy


So, did YOU vote for this idiot? Really?

Age-related decline Dementia

Well, yeah.


The mainstream media may want to treat Joe Biden’s mental fitness as a verboten subject, but voters have pushed past that to draw their own conclusions… Almost two-thirds of voters think Biden’s too old for the job, and sixty percent doubt his mental fitness for the presidency.

Just look at the numbers as to what percentage thinks “Biden” is doing a good job:

  • Economy: 32%
  • Inflation: 28%
  • Running the administrative aspects of government: 38%
  • Immigration: 37%
  • Foreign affairs: 39%

Yeah, the group of people who think Biden is doing a good job is getting, uh, more exclusive.

It turns out that voters are more worried about their daily lived experiences in inflation and crime than in whether abortions should take place into the ninth month of pregnancy. And from this, it appears that voters are far more worried that the man pushed by Democrats into the top office is an incompetent codger in serious cognitive decline. And they should be.

Dementia Dishonesty


what planet is he ON? Dementia Joe strikes again…

President Joe Biden falsely claimed that January 6 rioters at the U.S. Capitol “killed two police officers” while giving the commencement address at his alma mater Saturday.

But wait, there’s more!

On Friday, Biden told another whopper while addressing graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy. He claimed he’d been accepted to the venerable institution in 1965 but opted for the University of Delaware because future NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Roger Staubach blocked his path to gridiron glory. In fact, by 1965, Biden had already graduated from college, and while he was at Delaware, he never played varsity football despite later claiming he did

Dementia Dishonesty

Biden is just

a senile, lying doof!

Basically, he has always been a liar. But now the dementia makes it TONS worse and while the impulse to spin yarns is still there, he is no longer cognitively able to lie persuasively.

So yes, he is now and has always been a liar. It’s just that now he is unable to lie even reasonably well. So what we have is a mixture of dementia and chronic dishonesty.

Oh, and Lefties, YOU voted for this! Sometimes that fact makes me shake my head and say, Really? But this is YOUR fault.

Biden told the midshipmen that he applied to the Naval Academy in 1965. He told a tale of applying to the Academy with a letter from then-Delaware Senator J. Caleb Boggs. However, in 1965, Biden graduated from the University of Delaware. He wouldn’t have been applying for graduate courses at the Naval Academy because there were none. The tale was an odd one, mixing his dream of playing football with his interest in the Naval Academy. [emphasis added]



What do you make of this?

Honestly, can it get a lot worse?



pretty much…

Current Events Dementia

The knives are

coming out for Biden

Truly, an implosion!