Democrat Death-Rattle



The midterm election doomsday scenario for Democrats is becoming clearer, scarier, and more real as inflation and gas prices remain stubbornly high and dissatisfaction with President Biden is through the roof. 

… Sixty-three percent of Democrats polled said the country is headed in the wrong direction, while only 27 percent said it is on the right track. [emphasis added]

Wow! I can’t even imagine numbers that bad!

And the Democrat hits just keep coming!

Rep. Kim Schrier called it an “honor” to welcome President Joe Biden to suburban Seattle for a health care speech in April. Then, nearly three months later, the Washington Democrat used a TV ad to boast about “taking on” the Biden administration over gas prices.

… The result is a House map that has expanded to an uncomfortable place for Democrats. Survey data obtained by POLITICO shows the president underwater by double-digit margins in 11 districts he carried.

Gonna be a TON of Democrats out kicking road apples come 2023!

Is it November yet?

Democrat Death-Rattle

Will it happen?

Will slow Joe get primaried by his own party?

I would think not, but still, he is SO bad that it seems very possibly to be in the works.

Dementia Democrat Death-Rattle Epic fail

Ron Burgundy


So, did YOU vote for this idiot? Really?

Captain Obvious Democrat Death-Rattle

Uhm, the rats

are fleeing the sinking ship!

And remember, this lady had been with Joe Biden since his VP days!

I hear the now is a sign on the Oval Office door: “Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.”

Democrat Death-Rattle

Yeah, Democrat

panic is starting to set in. You notice the acrid smell of pee’d pants.

And for good reason!