
Yes, I am also

for school choice.



Not even worth it! Go be a plumber…

Unless you need it for a further degree, it just hardly seems worth it. But as a terminal degree? Uh, no.

Captain Obvious Education Humor

Because it

truly IS a mystery!


Oh wow!

I have been pushing for this for some time, now.

This bill, which has now passed both the Arkansas House and Senate, will fund students instead of systems. Which means taxpayer funds will follow students whether they are in a public school, private school or are being home schooled. The bill establishes school choice for all students.

… But that’s not all it does. It also bans teaching gender identity to students below the 5th grade and it also bans CRT.

Education Lawfare

You know,

I’m not a big punitive lawsuits guy. But there are times when that clearly the best option. And that truly seems to be the case, here. Parents can (and should, most often) take their kids out of public schools. So these parents get to pay both taxes that fund the schools and the costs inherent in educating their children. What a country!

What we need is for the dollars to be attached to the child, rather than to a public School District! And in addition, schools need to be held legally liable for their crappy results!

The teachers’ unions, and the school administrators who are in frequent contact with them, don’t give a damn about the children in their charge. In a just world, we’d be able to lock up people who are deliberately dooming young children to a miserable future just so they can line their own pockets.

It is infuriating!

Education Lefty Intellectual Rigidity

I think wise

parents now very often look to other educational arrangements for their kids if they can.

I went to public school. So did my wife. My 4 kids all went to public school.

But things are different, now. And I would probably make different choices now than I did then.

Consider the fact that 65% of American fourth-grade students can barely read. This is a result of a radical shift to a new way of teaching children how to read.

… After a couple of decades of teaching reading this way with abysmal results, you’d think even a leftist would throw in the towel and go back to what worked before. Not on your life. That would mean the critics who have been railing against this travesty of education were right. And, as we know, leftists would rather blow up the country than admit anything they do causes more harm than good.


The start of

the breakdown

Utah will no longer require a bachelor’s degree for about 98 percent of its civil servant jobs, according to a recent decision by the state’s Republican governor.


Honestly, that’s

no surprise at all.

Academia is a pit of vipers. And while I once dabbled a bit with being a professor right on the front edge of the “woke” crap, I got out of the college professor gig. And I am extremely glad I did. It would have been a very poor fit for me. Very.

Oh don’t get me wrong, I liked teaching. I like ideas and technical knowledge. I enjoyed that part of it. And I have a lot to offer. But I would not have done well at all with all the “woke” crap.

And the mask and clot shot nonsense? Wow, I’m glad I didn’t have to deal with that!



That’s how it should be!


Please understand,

things are different, now. I put all four of my kids in public schools. I never even considered doing otherwise–the thought never actually crossed my mind to do differently. And both me and my wife are products of public schools. AND my wife is trained as an elementary school teacher.

But now I’m not sure I would put my kids in Public Schools if I had to do it over…

Other options would be strong contenders!