Category: Education
Yes, high achievers’
parents have had enough.
Parents of these kids see that they can do far better by home-schooling their kids. And that is the case with almost all parents and kids when looked at over a few years.
Are there some very good public school teachers? Oh yes. But I do think the odds are better with private schools, charter schools, “pods,” and home school.
Pretty far from a
shocker, eh?
Well, yeah: The more parents know about public schools, the less likely they are to support them.
Yeah, once you know what chickens eat, you won’t eat chicken…
… One of the most significant findings was not that barely a quarter of Americans had any confidence in public schools; it was that they couldn’t marshal a majority approval by the Democrat core constituency.
I agree that the funding should follow the child (and I have said that for years). If that were universally implemented, it would solve probably 90% of the problem!
Individually, there are some dang good public school teachers. But as a group, they suck!
VERY interesting.
“I think allowing veterans to teach helps the teacher shortage in Florida. Not only do they have to have 60 credits but they’re also assigned a mentor and must pass an exam with bachelor-level subjects,” Stilwell-Carroll explained. “So, I believe this is a great solution to our teacher shortage and also keeps our veterans employed after serving.”
Maybe you can make an argument for minimum requirement for lower grades, but I think even THAT problem pretty much goes away with a strong school executive (NOT multiple weak ones, but one strong executive who is totally responsible and who faces frequent review by the school board).
And it goes without saying that for decent education, you de-fang the teachers’ unions. THAT is a crucial aspect.
But here’s the danger for the entrenched school folks: What if these non-formally educated, uncredentialed, and unlicensed people do just as well as people who have a teaching certificate?
Kinda blows a hole in the whole restrictive education bureaucracy, eh? And it shows that non-formally educated parents can indeed be good at home schooling!
We should not be unaware of what a HUGE, existential threat this is to Entrenched Education, Inc. Because if a high school educated Veteran can do it, why do we need a credential at all?
My take? Require a at least a 2-year college degree. Any degree, but with focus on teaching kids. Maybe a particular one-class curriculum.
And then make it easy to fire sub-optimal teachers. Make Principals actually weighty. Make them really the executive of the school. And they get fired by the school board if they are not doing a good job.
Is that a perfect solution? No, of course not. But the real question is whether or not it is better than we have. And I think it is.
yes it does.
I think that wise parents generally no longer put their kids in public schools if there are any reasonable other options. There may be the occasional decent public school (and I’ve seen some very good public school teachers), but those are getting rarer and rarer…
Already, the best teachers leave for charter schools or other such settings…
Key findings of the report included that “[c]ampuses do not consistently achieve an atmosphere that promotes free expression,” “[s]tudents who identify as conservative face distinctive challenges,” and “[s]tudents across the political spectrum want more opportunities to engage with those who think differently.”
In other breaking news, water is wet!
Will the public schools ever recover? I don’t think so, not totally. And not for years, in any case. COVID is the best thing that ever happened to the homeschooling industry! And to parents and kids.
And this means a larger percentage of people who are both well-educated, skeptical, and not a product of 12 years of indoctrination.
Democrats should be crapping their britches over what is likely to eventually come about. Democrats have lost the “long game.”
At least the pandemic had a silver lining. It taught parents that there are better alternatives to government schools.
… Others tried home schooling. Many had been skeptical but now discovered that their kids learned more, and their family life was enriched by teaching at home. The education establishment sneers at home schooling, but home-schooled students, even though they are more likely to be poor, score 30% higher on SAT tests. They also do better in college, and they are less likely to drink or do drugs.
… Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed what his office called “the most expansive school choice legislation in the nation.” It gives money to families that they can spend on private school, home schooling, micro schools, tutoring or any other educational service that meets the needs of kids. Any kid can qualify. The state simply gives families what they would have spent in the public school (up to $7,000 per child). That’s much more generous and simpler than other states’ choice plans.
… One poll showed that 74% of African Americans and 71% of Latinos support school choice. … Choice opponents are mostly unions, establishment Democrats and frightened suburban Republicans.
education is indeed crumbling. That is NOT to say that there is no benefit there, but I think colleges and universities are going to start having to verbalize just what those benefits are, and then people are going to make (gasp!) informed decisions.
High skill professions will always need training. But…
called, “education.”
Student reactions to the lessons have been “overwhelmingly positive–and universally so,” Boghossian told The Fix in an email. “I frequently heard phrases like ‘changed my life.’”
Did anyone honestly expect anything else?
Understand well, keep whatever beliefs you want, but college is NOT about expanding your knowledge. It is NOT about challenging things and gaining analytical skills. Not anymore. It is about nodding at Lefty professors until you are beyond their grip.
A professor may say that he or she is open to contrary opinions, but don’t be fooled–it is absolutely not true. No, just mouth the words they want to hear until you are free of them. THEN do what is right…