Epic fail Stooooopid!

Look, if you

play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. And congratulations, California, you have won an epically stupid prize! How about you pull your heads out of your butts and start electing competent people? <sheesh!>

An empty reservoir and dry fire hydrants are now the symbols of California and local officials’ response to the horrific Pacific Palisades wildfire—one of six Santa Ana windblown firestorms still burning in Los Angeles. Gov. Gavin Newsom has ordered an investigation to demonstrate that he’s doing something, but the damage is being done right now.

Behold the new symbol of California (the golden brown state): 

Choosing Epic fail

Yeah, Biden has no

business being interviewed. It never goes well for him! He just should shut up and enjoy his last few pudding cups in the White House!

I look at Biden and am reminded of one of the most tragic and enduring moments in movie history. It’s courtesy of Marlon Brando as failed boxer Terry Malloy in Elia Kazan’s “On the Waterfront.” After witnessing the murder of a fellow longshoreman by a local mobster, Terry is forcefully reminded by his brother Charlie (Rod Steiger) to keep his mouth shut. It’s at that moment that Terry realizes he threw his life away when he was throwing fights for the Mob.  

You can almost hear Biden mumble, “I coulda beat Trump. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.”

Yeah, pretty spot-on. At the end of the day, Biden has to look in the mirror and say, I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am.

Actually, I very much doubt that Biden has the introspection skills necessary to overcome his narcissism and really look at himself…

DUH! Epic fail Fools

Ya think maybe,

Democrats? It was a false step of EPIC proportions! I mean, really unbelievable!

Basically, Democrats got so Trump-deranged that they said, “Oh yeah?” and promptly shot themselves in the foot. They cut off their nose to spite their face. Fools!

Epic fail

It was an absolute

debacle! An epic fail of gargantuan proportions!

I hope this means that she’s done. I hope so. But then again, I root for morality and competence…

No wonder Nancy Pelosi reportedly has voiced her opinion and wants to get rid of Kamala.

Current Events Epic fail

There were just SO

many clips from this that were absolutely devastating to Kamala! Ima gonna have to have a few more posts!

I mean, we can just sum it up with that!

I mean, NOW how can anyone still vote for Kamala and yet retain a shred of intellectual and personal dignity?

Epic fail Moron

Yeah, that just

might be the cringiest commercial I have ever seen! Well no, Dukakis in a tank was worse. Still, in ranking the worst looks ever, this is in rarefied air!

And then there’s city slicker Tim Walz, dressed straight outta an L.L. Bean store and obviously not knowing his gun (and loading it–barely–unsafely; It should be pointed at the ground) was flat-out hilarious! (note to self: Never go hunting with Tim Walz).

Dishonesty Epic fail Evil Clown


Walz was forced to admit that he lied.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, was forced to answer questions about his controversial travel to China and misstatements about those trips during Tuesday night’s debate. 

Oh, but it gets richer!

“Look, my community knows who I am. They saw where I was at. I will be the first to tell you I have poured my heart into my community, and I’ve tried to do the best I can, but I’ve not been perfect,” Walz continued. 

“And I’m a knucklehead at times.”

Yes, yes he is…

Quite the ringing endorsement, eh? And it wasn’t just that he was a “knucklehead” who made a mistake, it was that he was deliberately dishonest.

And if he hadn’t been “outed” in his dishonesty, he never would have admitted it. He ONLY came clean because he was cornered like a rat!

Epic fail

There’s just no

question that Walz was a HUGE mistake. It was stupidity on a cosmic level! Kamala choosing Walz ALONE disqualifies her from office.

Red China allowed a senior NCO in the National Guard to visit 30 times? That makes so little sense that the only explanation remaining is he worked for them.

The debate should be a good one. Still, the expectations for Walz are SO incredibly low that if he just can stand there for the duration, the MSM lackeys will fake a swoon and declare him the winner.

Epic fail Evil Clown

Huh. So Kamala

has some buyer’s remorse. I don’t blame her. Her first important decision was a risible bust. But Walz should know that Kamala is not his friend–she is already scapegoating him!

Uhm, she picked Walz because she was sleep deprived. Okaaaaay…

Vice President Kamala Harris revealed Monday that she suffered from insomnia after President Biden endorsed her as his successor — and that she was sleep deprived the morning she picked her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

I don’t know whether to laugh derisively or cry…

Sounds to me like she’s already throwing Walz under the bus. If he (and voters) were wise, he would run away NOW!

Really good question. It appears that Jack Daniels was helping her to sleep. How else can you explain this?

The internals have to be really bad!

Cowardice Epic fail

Yes, Mitt Romney

has been a HUGE disappointment!

Here is a guy who was absolutely brutalized by the Left. They attacked everything he reportedly holds dear. It was ruthless!

And yet, Romney pulled his punches and insisted on being a “noble loser,” snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory (though I think in reality not noble at all—just a loser). Then he cowered and turned over and begged for a pat on the tummy from his tormentors.

They repeatedly beat him. And he repeatedly put his tail between his legs and submissively licked the hand that beat him. It was just appalling!

And it was the breathtaking spectacle of a lickspittle Romney collapse of principle and nerve that led directly to Trump. Indeed, if there had been no cowering Mitt Romney, there would have been no Trump. Romney is the reason Trump initially threw his hat in the ring! So I guess we can give him credit for THAT unintended consequence.

Romney’s craven suck-up act was sickening to most of us, and was just too much for Trump to take. So Trump ran, and a person who would actually stand up and fight for what was right was unusual–and refreshing to regular voters. The rest, as they say, is history…

Harris’s party operatives with bylines compared him [Romney] to Hitler, said he gave employees cancer, a sexist because he had “binders full of women,” and that he was needlessly cruel to his dog, in between screaming to him, “What about your gaffes??!!”,  and joking about his “magic underwear.” Her boss shouted that he was a racist who would put black people “back in chains.”

But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Sister.

Mitt Romney was weighed in the balances and found wanting…