Change Epic fail Evil Clown

Well yes.

Mistakes were made.

And remember, Biden did this with great fanfare, right after the inauguration. Lefty kooks everywhere were ecstatic!

Alas, it was a stupid move. REALLY stupid. Even Biden and his cabal of Keystone Kops admit that, now.

Democrats long ago ceased to be the party of the blue collar working man. We need to face the facts. Democrats are the party of the effete, coiffed consultant.

And working people are starting to wisen up to the Democrat hoax!

Competence Epic fail

So do we

still trust medical opinion? It seems to be crumbling, a victim of wokeism. That plus the Internet.

And the problem is, this is not the first time medical providers have followed a “trendy” but unscientific and damaging path, and the reservoir of public trust is starting to run dry. I see it all the time as people talk about their medical providers. Some patients will shy like a rearing horse at any sign of “woke.”

Surveying the mad rush of physicians to embrace fads forces one to wonder at the lack of moral grounding in medical education. We need not travel back to the heyday of the eugenics movement in the early 20th century to see how imprudently much of the medical profession has faddishly pursued dangerous conceits: lobotomies for mental illness, “repressed memory” of child abuse, mass estrogen prescriptions for post-menopausal women, opioids for any manner of pain relief, experimentation and over-prescription of psychotropic medicines with serious aftereffects, and, now, “sex change” surgery and administration of puberty-blocking drugs. After all this, should courts ever pay attention to briefs submitted by medical “experts”?

Wokeism has at least hastened the death of trust in experts and expertise. A therapeutic bond must be earned, not merely given as a matter of course out of awe of a medical degree.

I remember having lunch with a bunch of judges and potential court-ordered experts. We were all sitting around a big table in a conference room.

One Psychologist there started spouting off on some cock-and-bull Freudian explanation and how she charges more than double for court work than the rest of us did because she is so dang good.

You could almost see the judges rolling their eyes. I spent a TON of time in court after that, but I never saw that psychologist again! Nor did I ever see, over the next 15 years, any reports by her.

And many of US just roll our eyes when “woke” physicians and other medical experts start talking. Same thing.

Epic fail Immorality

You think we

are done finding stuff? LOL! We are NOT done finding stuff.

Like with pedophiles, you ALWAYS find more victims. It’s not like this happens only once or twice…

President Biden’s counsel discovered five additional pages with classified markings at the president’s Wilmington, Del., home this week, Special Counsel Richard Sauber said Saturday.

Epic fail Hypocrisy

Yep, pretty

much. ANYONE involve in Big Solar™ is a faux environmentalist! Make a pathetic amount of power with materials produced by slave labor and child exploitation, and then dump toxic and un-recyclable solar panels in the landfill after their short useful life.

Oh yeah, and preen and pose and posture about how you are so righteous while doing all this!

Do I have all that right?

In northern climates, like where I live, solar panels produce electricity around 18% of the time–not a lot of electricity, any electricity. The vast majority of the time, they are inert.

… What is most telling is that no one bothers to shovel off the snow. Do you shovel your driveway? Yes, you need to. But utilities don’t clear snow off solar panels, as one utility executive recently admitted, because they produce so little electricity that paying to shovel them–most likely, paying high school kids–is not cost-effective. That is the ultimate proof of the futility of utility scale solar power.

Current Events Epic fail

I just don’t get it.

It really is a pig-headed lust for power that seems to animate McCarthy’s bid for Speaker. He just doesn’t have the votes, and probably never will.

And here’s how you know he is a RINO traitor: As McCarthy tries to nail down support from far-right lawmakers, some centrist Republicans are reportedly considering making deals with Democrats to end the speaker drama one way or another.

Kevin, do the right thing for the party and drop out of the race. This really isn’t all about you and your ambitions. I know you think it is, but it’s not. I think that your grasping nature is clouding your thinking. IF your first priority were the good and right, you would drop out.

And your avaricious, selfish pursuit of power and glory hurts the party–and thus regular people. Kevin O. McCarthy will you please go now? (apologies to Dr. Seuss)

Face it, Kevin, you have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Exit gracefully.

Because now it’s not six who have voted against you, it’s 20! You’re done, OK? The party is over and it’s time for you to go home. All you’re doing now is hurting the GOP and making it more likely that they will lose the Speakership! JUST GO.

Epic fail Evil Clown

McConnell wouldn’t

know “morally right” if it bit him in the butt

Epic fail Mindless NPC drones

Well, a lot of

mindless NPC drones bought electric vehicles, and they were ecstatic that the did not have to spend for gas!

Yes, yes. But electricity has to be generated somehow.

Even if you ignore the enormous environmental impacts associated with manufacturing an electric car (which are significantly higher than a gasoline-powered car), if you live in a state that generates a lot of its electricity from coal, you are essentially driving a coal-powered car.

The next most ignorant view is that at least you don’t have to buy expensive gasoline! People seem to forget that electricity isn’t free, from whatever source. 

Folks, wise up a little. <sheesh!…>

Epic fail Evil Clown



Yeah, “Biden” will fund border security for other countries. But not for US, natch…

Captain Obvious Epic fail

Really no surprise,

now is it?

The U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday that California lost more residents than any other state this year, with over 300,000 people fleeing the state, marking the third consecutive year that California’s population declined.

Epic fail Evil Clown

EVERYONE realizes

Joe Biden’s VP folly! Everyone.