
All you need to

read is the headline.

California’s budget deficit has swelled to a record $68 billion after months of unexpectedly low tax revenues, a shortfall that could prompt the state’s deepest spending cuts since the Great Recession.

Dishonesty Epic fail Foolishness

Oh, what a

tangled web we weave!

There are two options as far as I’m concerned: RFK Jr. either was aware that Epstein was a sleazebag and likely intelligence plant running a blackmail operation and was perhaps compromised himself or else he is the worst judge of character in all of human history and now he’s lying to cover his tracks.

In either case, he’s lost my support forever.

Honestly, the BEST you can say is that RFK, Jr. was a gull. The worst you can say is… far worse. But in terms of RFK, Jr. being dishonest about this, well, there really is no question, is there?


Ah yes,

the good old days. You know, back when you could buy a pack of bacon without a financing agreement.

“Forget the big screen TV, we’re talking a gallon of milk for two bucks!” said local man Donald DiMarco as he rolled out a sleeping bag. “I get a few gallons, I could quit one of my three jobs!”



Yeah, I don’t think so.

I think that there is really no question that this is catastrophic for Biden. Sure, there might be some RINO here and there who would vote for RFK, Jr. over Trump, but other than that it would be vanishingly rare.

These guys are just waving their RINO flag. But it’s utter and complete nonsense.

Current Events Foolishness

Oh, it’s

good, all right. But I can’t help but wonder if they have not already ingested enough poison for it to be fatal–it just takes a little time for it to take effect. And they are a dead man, walking.

I sincerely hope not.


RINO worries:

Captain Obvious Foolishness

The cost is

just stunning!

I mean, is this deliberate? Just what is the real goal, here? I think that given how amazingly counter-intuitive some of these moves have been, that is an obvious question.

This is a good time to recall the observation of Robert Gates, the mainline foreign policy honcho who worked for presidents of both parties for more than 40 years: “I think [Biden] has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Why should we expect anything different now?

And who the crap voted for this turd? I mean, it’s pretty dang obvious that there was HUGE voter fraud, but there were also those who are smart enough to breathe in and out on their own and yet who voted for him! What gives?

Captain Obvious Fiscal insanity Foolishness

I also think

that the, “No more freakin’ money to Ukraine!” train can no longer be stopped.

It’s utter madness! So EVERY penny we give to Ukraine is debt to us! Every. Red. Cent. We are now short on common weapons–because we were stunningly stupid and gave them to Ukraine! So if you care about yourself, your kids, your grandkids, and your great-grandkids, stop this madness NOW!

How will YOU feel when you hear your grandkids say, “Grandpa saddled us with crushing debt! How could he do that to us?

Current Events Foolishness

With COVID, we

are dealing with one smart virus!


Yeah, the Biden

voters are a “special” bunch…