Current Events Hypocrisy Scumbags

Here’s the truth:

I don’t like doxxing. It was a scummy thing for the Left to do. Disgusting, really. A lot of people in their early 20s do and say things that they later regret. I’m not sure you want to the bar so high that no one can go over it. Are those the rules you want, Lefties? Are you SURE?

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I agree with the sentiments this guy expressed. Please, don’t misunderstand. But let’s make use of the strong skills that a 25-year-old computer whiz has.

And you know dang good and well that the only reason this is even being brought up is because the story is damaging to the Right. But the reality is that this is nothing but the squirming of creepy-crawly Lefty things under a rock when the rock is suddenly picked up.

Lefties, just stop it. Have you no shame? Maybe those on the right ought to start going after some of the Lefty shills and make everyone play by the same rules! Would you like that, Lefties? Besides, what on earth does what he said have to do with computer programming?

I mean, is the left despicable or what?

Instead of being embarrassed about getting caught in bed with the feds and working against the American people, the Real Journalists at Reuters decided to play hardball by outing the chaos monkeys (more on that in a minute) Elon Musk brought in to unmask the filthy lucre endemic to our federal government.

… I don’t know about you, but I am sick to death of all of it. Sick of the bogus fact-checks from left-wing organizations, sick of being smeared by the condescending media cartels that hold themselves up as beacons of Truth, Justice, and the American Way while working behind the scenes — using our tax dollars — to destroy our way of life. 


The Pope is

SUCH a disgusting hypocrite!

After woke Pope Francis whined about the Trump administration’s deportations of illegal alien criminals, lifelong Catholic and new border czar Tom Homan searingly exposed the hypocrisy of a man who lives behind the famed Vatican walls.

“They have a wall around the Vatican. And if you illegally enter the Vatican, the crime is serious. You’ll be charged with a serious crime. Be jailed.” “So he can protect the Vatican where he lives. He can build a wall where he lives, but American people are not allowed that.”

There have been good (even great) Popes in past days. But today is certainly not that day! The quality has been… uneven.


Leftists assured me

that there IS no “deep state!”


Look, it’s

pretty dang funny to hear Lefties whine that “the Great Unwashed Masses” now have an effective advocate in Elon Musk.


Bad Faith Hypocrisy

Selective outrage,

thy name is Democrat

Deeply disturbing Dishonesty Hypocrisy

You gotta admit,

Remy is pretty stinkin’ awesome!

It’s hard to imagine anything more deeply disgusting than this! Democrats deserve to lose for the next generation!

Democrats, aren’t you ashamed? You should be!

Again, I don’t think this is all about Hunter. It is to a large extent about keeping Joe’s crimes under wraps!


Hunter Biden’s

pardon: The death rattle of the elites? Well, the self-proclaimed elites…

And just like that, the virtuous come crashing back down to Earth. For months, US president Joe Biden said he would not pardon his son, Hunter. We the high-minded do not play such low games, he said. We respect juries. We respect the law of the land. Look how different we are to Donald Trump, how so much more morally spotless, cried the Dems’ acolytes in the legacy media. Where Trump handed out pardons like candy to his crooked associates, we the righteous few, the ‘adults in the room’, would never dream of exonerating bent friends at the expense of the integrity of the republic. We are better than that, they said. Over and over and over.

But it was all a ruse, meant to fool the slack-jawed lackeys. MANY of whom are still too naïve to realize that they just got punk’d.

In so spectacularly breaking his own promise, in spending his last few weeks in this decaying administration issuing emperor-like decrees of liberty to his own kin, he has shattered the moral pretensions of his presidency, his party and arguably his entire class.

Yes, yes he has!

But the problem is the Dems tied their political rectitude to Biden’s acceptance of the jury’s democratic deliberations. They used the Hunter case to morally distinguish themselves from the allegedly lawless bruisers of the Trump set. They swore, endlessly, that they would abide by the rules and restore normalcy to the Trump-rattled republic. And they didn’t. They ended up exploiting presidential power for personal favour to a degree Trump never did. Their claims to moral distinction lie in tatters. Their delusion of righteousness stands exposed as just that: a delusion. This is why this pardon matters.

So, Democrats, aren’t you a bit embarrassed right now? Well, you SHOULD be! You are indeed the Emperor with no clothes! You need to check your own drawers before you go around talking crap about others!


Yeah, about that

“fascist” and “extremist” thing: Never mind

House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), for example, expressed interest in “working with the incoming administration whenever and wherever possible to find bipartisan common ground to solve problems for the American people.”

… Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks offered to spearhead the cutting of wasteful Pentagon spending. When Elon Musk asked him for suggestions on X, he proposed banning generals from working for defense contractors for 10 years after they leave the military. Donald Trump Jr. called this “a great idea that has been discussed.”

Hypocrisy Loser

Yeah, things

have gotten a bit sticky

So we have an ongoing ratings disaster, an embarrassing display of groveling from two of the network’s biggest talents (I honestly would respect Joe and Mika if they truly believed Trump was Hitler, stuck to their guns and refused to smooth over their relationship with him to gain access), a corporate spin off that will surely attract dumb money and an ethics scandal — all in one week! It’s almost impossible not to feel a tinge of schadenfreude for the worst liberal channel on television. And hey, the week isn’t even over yet.

Bad Faith Hypocrisy

Wait, wait!

I thought the Left HATED Bush II! And Dick Cheney!

Remember “Bushitler?” Remember “Bush’s brain?”

I certainly remember! So what happened?

Barbara Pierce Bush, the daughter of former President George W. Bush and granddaughter of former President George H.W. Bush, spent time over the past weekend in Pennsylvania on the campaign trail for Vice President Kamala Harris as the 2024 election hits the final week before voting.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat…

Dick Cheney and GWB submissively cower and lick the hands that beat them. The rise of Trump is anything BUT a surprise! I guess we are seeing their true colors, now. ..