I don’t like doxxing. It was a scummy thing for the Left to do. Disgusting, really. A lot of people in their early 20s do and say things that they later regret. I’m not sure you want to the bar so high that no one can go over it. Are those the rules you want, Lefties? Are you SURE?
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I agree with the sentiments this guy expressed. Please, don’t misunderstand. But let’s make use of the strong skills that a 25-year-old computer whiz has.
And you know dang good and well that the only reason this is even being brought up is because the story is damaging to the Right. But the reality is that this is nothing but the squirming of creepy-crawly Lefty things under a rock when the rock is suddenly picked up.
Lefties, just stop it. Have you no shame? Maybe those on the right ought to start going after some of the Lefty shills and make everyone play by the same rules! Would you like that, Lefties? Besides, what on earth does what he said have to do with computer programming?
I mean, is the left despicable or what?
Instead of being embarrassed about getting caught in bed with the feds and working against the American people, the Real Journalists™ at Reuters decided to play hardball by outing the chaos monkeys (more on that in a minute) Elon Musk brought in to unmask the filthy lucre endemic to our federal government.
… I don’t know about you, but I am sick to death of all of it. Sick of the bogus fact-checks from left-wing organizations, sick of being smeared by the condescending media cartels that hold themselves up as beacons of Truth, Justice, and the American Way while working behind the scenes — using our tax dollars — to destroy our way of life.