
It is often a VERY

hard choice. One often doesn’t know what to do.

And the flight is scary for people who live in those places to which they are fleeing, also. Will the Leftugees soil their new digs by voting for the same kind of Lefty nimrods who ruined their previous state of residence?

Now the answer to THAT question seems to be a qualified “No.” Florida, for example, has had a massive influx of Leftugees. Yet these newcomers are, on average, even more conservative than the long-time residents. Just think of how serious and motivated YOU would have to be to quit your job and find a new one, fix up and sell your home, get new fiends, and (probably) a new church congregation, and move to a place where you don’t even know where the grocery store is. All in order to escape the ravages of Leftism. Only the hardest of the hardcore Conservatives would do that.

Hence, FL became decidedly MORE conservative when the Leftugees started coming!

Now I’m not saying it is all roses. Not all Leftugees are the same. Still, many, after been forced to drink from the bitter cup of stupidly Leftist state governance, are not eager to again stain their lips…


Funny how

people are voting with their feet, eh?

Now, Leftugees, don’t make your new home a stinking Hell-hole like your last one. Vote differently this time. Be wise!

Choosing Leftugees

It is arguable

that this migration IS “The Great Divorce.” I hope so–that is sure a lot better than civil war!

Is the country separating itself into two distinct camps? One increasingly leftist and the other trying desperately to cling to traditional American values? Census data seem to show that it very well could be underway.

… What we found was striking: There has been a vast migration out of counties that voted for Joe Biden into those counties that voted to reelect Donald Trump.

There is a real concern: There is a concern that “Leftugees,” many of whom crapped in their old nest by voting Lefty, will also crap in their new nest, stupidly voting in the same way that made their last place of residence a reeking Hell-hole.

Yes, a real worry. A clear and present danger. But moving is very hard, and mainly Right-thinking people are the ones who will put the effort in. And also, some people will finally realize that it was those Lefty policies that made everything so bad.

So I think that on the whole, Lefties want to remain in Lefty places while those on the right are more willing to put the time, effort, and pain into moving. Not always, but predominantly.

Look at Florida: there was massive migration in, and the state overall became more conservative! TX is also in no danger of “flipping,” despite a huge influx of Californians. Turns out, most are “Leftugees!”

But the trend is clear: Lefties are NOT moving to San Fransisco or to Portland or to some other Lefty Hell-hole. Are they wising up? Well, some are. And many of those are moving,


There are concerns

that sane areas will be overwhelmed by “Leftugees” who, having soiled their own nests, move on to ravage another place with stupid Leftard voting.

And this is indeed a valid concern.

BUT, the data we have don’t necessarily support that worry. When we look at Florida, for example, we see a HUGE increase in population coming from places like New York. And yet, the data show that these Leftugees are, on average, MORE conservative on the whole than native Floridians! Florida is no longer “purple,” it is red. Not as red as, say, Idaho, but it is red just the same.

Why on earth would that be?

Well, it is extraordinarily hard to move. And expensive. Sell the house, get a new job, load up the moving van, clean and repair the old house, maybe have kids leave friends and change schools, find a new house (buy or rent?)–even something so simple as getting utilities turned on in the new place and finding a kid to mow the lawn. ALL very hard. Trust me, I was in the military and I know very well what it’s like to move every three years…

And only the most motivated to move will do it. And who is most motivated to leave Lefty Hell-holes and move to more conservative areas? Conservatives.

So there is a natural “winnowing.” There is a natural separation of the people.

It’s not perfect, by any means. Are there Lefties who are “free riders” and scab off conservative areas? Sure (though most often long-time residents). There are always outliers. But the average Leftugee tilts heavily to the right.

See, once these Leftugees have drunk from the bitter cup of Leftism, they usually are not eager to once again stain their lips! MOST are not stupid.

Current Events Leftugees

Even Yoko?

I am just shocked!

It’s the end of the world as we know it…


We don’t really

need a formal national divorce. It is already happening.

It’s a natural and predictable process.

Current Events Leftugees

One word:


Beyond dollars and cents, politics also appears to have a role in inter-state migration. The 15 bluest states, for instance, lost roughly 1% of their population from 2020 to 2022, according to the Cook Partisan Voter Index, while the 15 reddest states gained 1.1% at the same time. 

People flee crappy government. Can Lefties really be so dense as to not understand that? No, this is not mere ignorance, at least at the top, it is will.

And what we are seeing is the movement of the most conservative–they realize that the old Leftism stinks and they tend to be more conservative (on average) than the populations to which they flee. And that makes sense–it is hard to move and you have to be pretty motivated to do so. There are a zillion details to deal with, both great and small.

So Florida and Texas get more “red,” while California, New York, and Illinois get more “blue” (by default). And non-Portland Oregonians don’t flee, but accomplish the same thing by trying to change the state borders and create a “Greater Idaho.”

Tale as old as time–when the ruling class becomes intolerable, there is a very natural division of the people. One group flees–the two groups can no longer live together.

That’s why Federalism is so important–it allows people of different beliefs to nevertheless stay united, without force. And the Left has desperately tried to tear down Federalism, relying instead on force and coercion.


One word:


It’s just scary for those of us who live in sane parts of the country to get an influx of Californians. But much of the data show that Leftugees tend to be even more conservative than the population to which they are escaping. See Florida, for example.

Moving is a HUGE deal! That bar is extremely high–this is not something you do on a whim. This is something you do because where you are has become intolerable.

In other words, once these Leftugees have drunk from the bitter cup of Leftism, they are not often eager to once again stain their lips…

Leftugees Political philosophy

Kinda interesting,

isn’t it? These are Leftugees.

Far from contaminating Florida with Leftism, they are making Florida no longer a swing state, but solidly Republican.

And I gotta tell you, Leftism is old, tired, and not at all defensible. It is the mania of last century, the “pet rock” of political philosophy.

People are motivated. And mainly the highly motivated will flee the rotting carcass of their Lefty Hellholes. They generally want things to be different from where they came from…

Change Leftugees Political philosophy

We need to

understand that there are long-term repercussions to what is going on, here.

I’ve been telling you, there is a great division of the people in progress. States are trying to escape by dividing, while individuals are becoming Leftugees.

And it is inevitable. UNLESS one hews back to Federalism. Unfortunately for the country, Leftists are adamantly opposed to Federalism. Yet THAT is the answer.