Lefty Political Philosophy

Look, there ARE

no more moderate Democrats. The “Blue Dogs” are just gone.

But with the announcement of Klain’s resignation as chief of staff after two years of hard service, one thing is clear. Expectations that he would be the “prime minister” who would shepherd the administration on a reasonable and moderate path were mistaken.

… Rather than being the expression of the normalcy and moderation of the Democratic Party that had governed successfully during the Clinton presidency, Biden and Klain’s White House signaled the death of that wing of their party. 

“Moderate” Democrats just no longer exist. ANYONE who tells you that they are a “moderate Democrat” is just lying. They are covering their extremism with a cloak of “moderate.” And virtually all of them know it.

Economy Lefty Political Philosophy

Welcome to

the Biden economy. THIS is what you voted for, morons! Are you still unable/unwilling to see that Leftism destroys an economy? The link has been shown over and over and over!

Yahoo will lay off more than 20% of its workforce by the end of 2023, eliminating 1,000 positions this week alone, the company said in a statement Thursday.

Uhm, this is what you get when you elect Lefties. DUH!

Despotism Lefty FORCE Lefty Political Philosophy

Remember the

real threat: Traditional Catholics!

Of course, anti-Catholic bigotry is not only condoned, but also rampant on the left. It’s practically encouraged. The Roman Church is Public Enemy Number One because of its unwavering stance on abortion. We all know how much lefties love killing babies, and woe be unto anyone who gets in their infanticidal way. Let us not forget that the Biden/Garland/Wray FBI sent a swarm of agents into Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck’s home to arrest him for protecting one of his children from an aggressive abortion ghoul. [emphasis added]

Lefty Political Philosophy

Message to


Lefty Political Philosophy

But wait, isn’t that

the position of ALL Leftists?

That’s why they listen to a stupid high-school dropout kid! Right?

They will use ANYTHING that gives them power and money! Have you failed to understand that, yet?

Democrat word of the day: Venal.

Lefty Political Philosophy

Why am I a


In a word, it is because I am, at heart, an empiricist. I am interested in what works and in what has been shown to work. And of course, that means what systems in the past have been successful. And what aspects of systems in the past have worked. I value function first and foremost.

Leftists are virtually always rationalists at heart. Their focus is on how much a theory “makes sense” to them. In other words, how closely a theory matches their thoughts and desires, how “beautiful” it is. How much it makes sense to them. Their focus is on form.

As an empiricist, I don’t want to argue about what political theory makes the most “sense,” I want to argue about what works the best. A Conservative is all about function. And of course I naturally have to look in the past to make that determination.

And yes, there is some deviation on both sides–let’s not be rigid, here. But the main “current” for both are indisputably as described. And it not that one approach is 100% good and one is 100% bad–let’s not retreat into black-and-white thinking.

Also, this aspect in generally transparent to both those on the Left and those on the Right. So the argument develops as over a certain policy, but in actuality we are talking about two very different worldviews. We need to make the transparent visible.

Gun restriction is perhaps the sine qua non of this idea. It makes logical sense that if there were no guns there would be no gun crime. But empirically gun control utterly falls apart. It is indeed “beautiful” as a theory, but in real life it simply doesn’t work, and is in fact counter-productive.

So YOU may generally value form over function. And in that case, you are a rationalist–and a Leftist. But for me, I generally value function over form, so I am an empiricist–and a Conservative.

Lefty Political Philosophy

Honestly, don’t

Lefties ever get tired of being wrong? They seem to have a very high tolerance for it!

It seems that being a gullible naïf is a necessary condition for being a Democrat! Maybe not sufficient, but certainly necessary.

Lefty Political Philosophy Lefty Squalor

The REAL reason

homelessness is so prevalent in California. Actually, I think there are several reasons that act in concert to make it worse, but I think that this one alone is causally sufficient to explain what we are seeing.

… the article argues persuasively, California and other left-leaning states tend to have the nation’s most egregious levels of homelessness because they have made it extraordinarily difficult to build enough housing to meet demands.

… “Liberals have stated preferences that housing should be affordable, particularly for marginalized groups … But local politicians seeking to protect the interests of incumbent homeowners spawned a web of regulations, laws, and norms that has made blocking the development of new housing pitifully simple.”

Lefty Political Philosophy

See, a common

strategy of the Left is to paint anyone who disagrees with them as a “conspiracy theorist” and therefore “crazy.” In short, someone they don’t have to takes seriously or even pay attention to or make a cogent argument to. How conveeeeenient!

BUT, just what IS a “conspiracy theory?” Lefties, it may not at all mean what you think it means!

For Lefties, I think that most of the time, describing someone as a conspiracy nut is just intellectually empty and psychologically defensive name-calling.

Lefty Political Philosophy

Today’s Lefties:

Democrats of yesteryear were made of FAR sterner stuff! MOST people would just be embarrassed!