Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah, we are

seeing an absolute tidal wave of Biden dementia reports! I think that it is just no longer possible to keep it hidden.

As I’ve said before, the liberal media doesn’t feel that it has to protect Joe Biden anymore, and there have been a torrent of stories exposing how Biden’s mental decline was handled for four years. The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and even the New York Times have all hit the story.

But remember, Democrats and the MSM palace guard lied about it for years!

Media Flying Monkeys MSM Toadies

Yes, there is

more than a whiff of desperation in the air!

The Left is getting its butt kicked!

This moment came after the host told Hewitt, “You come here saying lots of things that aren’t based on fact.”

They have long been partisan and unfair, and regular people are simply no longer willing to pretend that they’re not! You don’t need to continue to take their crap…

Media Flying Monkeys

Let’s quit

living in fantasyland, Democrats: Americans no longer trust the MSM, OK? The lying has been too blatant, too frequent, and too one-sided. They have “cried Hitler” every four year since at least Reagan. The MSM has been exposed, and I suspect that it would take decades for them to regain people’s trust.

And that process hasn’t even started yet! ALL real change starts with confession–admitting what YOU have done and truly intending to change. THAT is step one.

And the MSM has yet to take that first step. Because if you have done everything right, there is no reason at all to change! Most Lefties have not taken that step–indeed, most are even willing to admit that they may have been wrong. let alone that they were wrong and need to change! They are almost to a person characterologically incapable of even considering that they have been wrong. It is too psychologically threatening to their sense of self to do so.

And thus they are “stuck,” and can’t change! Their overweening narcissism prevents them from taking that first step. And thus they are bound by strong cords…

Bad Faith Media Flying Monkeys

Baier was unfair?

You gotta be crappin’ me!

Unfortunately for these and most other left-wing commentators, there’s a transcript available. Instead of concentrating on Harris’s answers, HotAir’s Ed Morrissey decided to examine every single question Baier asked Harris during the 25-minute interview.

Let’s just say that this Kamala narrative doesn’t at all fit the facts!

Critics of Baier need to look at this list and find the questions that are not appropriate to ask a presidential candidate, especially an incumbent in the current White House for the last three-plus years. Every single question here relates to either Harris’ publicly stated positions over the past five years, the policies and performance of the Biden-Harris White House, and what she would do if elected president. There isn’t a personal-scandal or gotcha question in this; every single question — and that includes the question of Biden’s cognitive decline, which is the reason Harris is the nominee — is substantive and fair.

… Baier’s critics aren’t operating out of principle by casting him as a hack. They’re reacting out of desperation from having seen that Harris can’t answer even basic questions about what she believes or why people should support her. 

LOL! Media Flying Monkeys

Just ask,

the MSM will tell you how Kamala just crushed it in the interview!

h/t ASK
Dishonesty Media Flying Monkeys MSM Palace Guard

Word to the wise:

NEVER do a broadcast interview without YOU recording it yourself!

Because CBS, ABC, and NBC LIE! Dollars to doughnuts, they will edit it to make you look like a total ignoramus!

Luckily, Johnson’s staff had a camera running on their end so they could prove what CBS News chose to cut out. 

It wasn’t luck, it was wisdom.


Here’s the edited version:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed. 

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent.

Here’s what was cut out:

BRENNAN: So that’s a different accounting than this two percent that you say was distributed. 

JOHNSON: Yeah, so they’ve obligated some funds, but they’ve only distributed two percent, and when I was there on the ground, and you should go, bring the cameras and talk to those people there, and they’ll tell you, don’t take politicians’ words for this or the administration’s word, talk to people there on the ground. They have not been provided the resources almost two weeks out from the storm that they desperately needed. 

When I was there, 13 days post the storm hitting that state, people were still being rescued. They’re stuck in the higher elevations and the mountains because the roads are down and all the rest. They need every available resource and all hands on deck, the rescue and recovery efforts still going on, and then we address the rest of it.

Why do you refuse to admit that the MSM lies to you? I don’t get it. It’s really quite clear. You have to bring your own camera because they lie. DUH!

And again, here is another example out of the very same interview:

Here’s the edited version: 

JOHNSON: Everybody should want the law to be followed.

BRENNAN: You know that it is against the law for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. That’s established law. 

JOHNSON: Of course, it is, but here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when illegals or non-citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening.

Here’s what was cut out:

JOHNSON: Of course, it is, but here’s the problem. There’s a number of states that are not requiring proof of citizenship when illegals or non-citizens register to vote. We know that’s happening. We know that’s happening. Look, Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, I was going to say, he issued an executive order to clean up their voting rolls heading into their elections less than 30 days out, a couple of days ago. The Obama, I mean the Biden administration DOJ, the Biden-Harris administration sued the governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia to try to prevent them from cleaning up their voter rolls. See, that kind of thing creates a lot of doubts in the minds of the American people. Why would they do that? We want, everybody should want the law to be followed.

It’s pretty dang obvious what is going on, here.

Again, it’s clear what CBS News was doing here. The fact that the Biden-Harris DOJ is suing Virginia for cleaning up its voting rolls to ensure non-citizens aren’t voting is not defensible. Further, stating that makes Brennan look bad because she was quick to use the Democrat talking point that non-citizen voting is already illegal.

Media Flying Monkeys

Well, MOST

of us have, to be honest. And for very good reason, They lie!

Maroon Media Flying Monkeys

No matter how

much you hate and distrust the MSM, it is not enough!

Yeah, “Only a handful.” So no big deal, right? <sheesh!>

In the words of Bugs Bunny, “What a maroon!”

Media Flying Monkeys

Yes, it does

indeed kinda make you wonder…

To be specific, I wonder what was cut. I don’t for a second wonder why it was cut…

No one does.

The MSM deliberate jump off the cliffs of insanity and untrustworthiness continues apace. Look, you just can’t trust ’em! They will tell you a bald-faced lie in a heartbeat. If they think the lie will support their Lefty agenda, they WILL lie.

MIGHT they tell you the truth sometimes? Sure. But you will not be all that successful in real time at discerning what is truth and what is lie. Sometimes there is a turd hidden in that hoagie roll, and sometimes it’s all sliced beef.

Do you feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya?

Media Flying Monkeys

Yeah pretty


I sure wish we had an honest, non-partisan MSM! Don’t you?