in the open, now. Once Lefties would deny it and attack anyone who even suggested that Biden was senile. No more. Now they are just silent as the tomb about it.
No admission that they were wrong. No self-examination. No introspection. Just silence. Just pretending that their past doesn’t exist. Wow.
Carl Bernstein just let the cat out of the bag about the media conspiracy to hide Joe Biden’s long-running cognitive collapse from voters.
The former fabled Watergate reporter-turned-Trump-derange-ment merchant told CNN this week that he knew of 15 or 20 occasions in the past 18 months when Joe Biden’s brain has malfunctioned as it did during last week’s debate.
It is just stunning! Just why didn’t he tell us if he knew 18 months ago? Why are the rats scurrying off the ship NOW?
Now that it’s impossible to justify the cover-up, the phony soul-searching has begun. “Shame on the White House press corps for not [having] pierced the veil of secrecy surrounding the president,” former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson told Semafor.
I think that now it is just getting too obvious to deny. But remember, they deliberately didn’t tell us before, and they attacked anyone who dared tell the truth. And now we are seeing some really phony deathbed repentance…