Epic fail Political philosophy

Well, yeah.

Because Democrats TOTALLY suck when it comes to profligate spending and crappy money management in general! DUH!

So it’s FAR from a surprise that “blue” states don’t manage their money well. Is this even news to you?

Political philosophy

Preview of

coming attractions!

Political philosophy

Hope on,

hope ever…

Evil Political philosophy

My, my, my!

How things have changed in my adult lifetime! 75%–wow! Virtually ALL Democrats are wannabe baby killers now. And for those who wouldn’t do the dirty deed themselves (and thus preserve some pretense of morality), they are more than happy to “hold the cloaks” of those who do! As if that doesn’t make them equally guilty!

But there was a diversity of Democrat opinion 30 years ago. There were still some Blue Dog Democrats then. But no longer…

Those numbers are up from 2016, when only 52% responded affirmatively to allowing abortion for any reason, according to the WSJ.

Deception Political philosophy

But, YOU can’t

be fooled, right? I mean, you are certain that your political views are correct, right?

Those of us who are not naïve hayseeds or hidebound shills have a little humility and understand that just because we like an idea or someone told us something we like, just because we are cocksure really doesn’t mean that we are right. We also need empirical evidence along with that persuasive theory.

This guy is skilled. But there are others out there that are also skilled at deception. SPOILER: He’s not actually magic–this is sleight of hand. And some others work in different mediums–like politics. And some, like this guy, are very good at what they do.

So, the ONLY way to reduce (but of course not eliminate) your chances of being snookered is to lean hard toward a historical empiricism. Every “pretty” theory is not actually true! Let’s look at actual results.

With that in mind, the question is what has been shown to work in the past. We need some hard data to go along with that pretty theory. Don’t be confused by mere “fancy talk.”

In Conservatism, one doesn’t worship the ashes of the past, but works toward the preservation of fire! THAT is what Conservatism is all about. It is a historical empiricism.

Current Events Political philosophy

Yes, there is

real hope about the newly-elected President of Argentina.

But this ALSO bodes very well for Trump. People are just sick of the usual scummy leaders! We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!

Current Events Political philosophy

Oh, so another

populist wins!

It’s almost like people around the world are getting really sick of crappy Lefty government!

U.S. Democrats, are you paying attention? Do you know which way the wind is blowing?

Political philosophy

Conservatism is

not the worship of ashes. It is the preservation of fire.

NEVER forget that!

Culture Political philosophy

Yes, it’s REALLY

a paradox.

After the October 7 terrorist attack, many American Jews have stomached two shocks: the shock of Hamas’s brutality, and the shock of their putative political allies’ support for the brutes. Liberal Jews are not only horrified by campus chants of “there is only one solution: Intifada, revolution.” They are also surprised.

I understand that Jewish people as a whole STRONGLY lean toward Leftism, but I don’t understand why. This author asu=sumes things, but without evidence!

Most Jews, in fact, express their Jewish identity through liberal values. Asked by Pew which aspects of Judaism were “essential” to what it means to be Jewish, Orthodox Jews said leading an ethical and moral life, observing Jewish law, and continuing family traditions—all of which are, if not the same, then highly related for observant Jews. For the non-Orthodox, though, the top slots went to remembering the Holocaust, leading an ethical and moral life, working for justice and equality, and being intellectually curious.

These “essential” things are pretty much antithetical to Leftist identity.

No, I think there are OTHER things going on. What we are seeing is likely a strong attachment to tradition–also a defining Jewish characteristic. I think they (understandably) got attached to things of old liberalism–human rights and such.

But things have changed. And Jewish people are now faced with “going against the grain” a bit.

Political philosophy


Yeah, Leftism is the political philosophy of human misery. Be a little bit of a historical empiricist, for Pete’s sake!