Current Events Hypocrisy Scumbags

Here’s the truth:

I don’t like doxxing. It was a scummy thing for the Left to do. Disgusting, really. A lot of people in their early 20s do and say things that they later regret. I’m not sure you want to the bar so high that no one can go over it. Are those the rules you want, Lefties? Are you SURE?

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I agree with the sentiments this guy expressed. Please, don’t misunderstand. But let’s make use of the strong skills that a 25-year-old computer whiz has.

And you know dang good and well that the only reason this is even being brought up is because the story is damaging to the Right. But the reality is that this is nothing but the squirming of creepy-crawly Lefty things under a rock when the rock is suddenly picked up.

Lefties, just stop it. Have you no shame? Maybe those on the right ought to start going after some of the Lefty shills and make everyone play by the same rules! Would you like that, Lefties? Besides, what on earth does what he said have to do with computer programming?

I mean, is the left despicable or what?

Instead of being embarrassed about getting caught in bed with the feds and working against the American people, the Real Journalists at Reuters decided to play hardball by outing the chaos monkeys (more on that in a minute) Elon Musk brought in to unmask the filthy lucre endemic to our federal government.

… I don’t know about you, but I am sick to death of all of it. Sick of the bogus fact-checks from left-wing organizations, sick of being smeared by the condescending media cartels that hold themselves up as beacons of Truth, Justice, and the American Way while working behind the scenes — using our tax dollars — to destroy our way of life. 


Yeah, we ALL

have a pretty good idea of who might be on that list. And the FBI had it but refused to release it for half a dozen years! Now why do you suppose they did that?

Immorality Scumbags

Yes, yes. But

IS it “peak?” I guess we don’t really know, yet.

But what we DO know is that destroying the bureaucracy as we know it is very popular. People have just had enough of the DC diarrhea spending and grotesque self-dealing!


Folks, Joe Biden

is a total dirtbag!

As a Christmas present to the family of Rachel Timmerman and others, President Joe Biden commuted Gabrion’s sentence to life in prison. When the U.S. Attorney’s Office called Rachel’s father Tim Timmerman to tell him the news, the bereaved man was beside himself.

Read the whole thing. But you want to have a barf bag handy…


Those dirtbags

lied to us. Despicable!

One Democratic strategist said much of Biden’s executive authority has been wielded by key advisors, often referred to as the ‘Biden whisperers,’ who worked in the shadows,

They lied for years, and only now is the truth starting to dribble out…

That’s right, after years of gaslighting the public, the media is finally telling the truth.

NEVER believe the Democrats, NEVER.They are congenital liars.


Of course, it’s

hardly a shocker. We’ve all always known that this would happen! Sure, Joe and his minions claimed he wouldn’t, but we all knew they were lying.

President Joe Biden and his White House have long said that the president has no plans to pardon his son Hunter, who has been convicted on felony charges. All that changed on Sunday when Biden announced that he had issued a pardon for his son.

Honestly, who didn’t see that coming? You would have had to have been a total hayseed naïf not to know THAT was going to happen! Yeah, Joe repeatedly said he wouldn’t pardon Hunter:

What kind of idiot didn’t see THAT coming?

But there is, perhaps, a silver lining…

Sometime evil will doth evil mar!


How can anyone trust Democrats now? Kamala incontinently blew through 2.5 BILLION dollars in a drastically shortened campaign, the US economy is in shambles, the southern border is a total fiasco, and now Joe pardons his crack-head son after repeatedly saying he wouldn’t. Wow!

Do you need any more reasons to never vote Democrat?

Democrat panic Evil Scumbags

My, but those Lefties

sure are peaceful!

The Associated Press reports that “Among those targeted were New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, Trump’s pick to serve as the next ambassador to the United Nations; Matt Gaetz, Trump’s initial pick to serve as attorney general; Oregon Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, whom Trump chose to lead the Department of Labor, and former New York congressman Lee Zeldin, who has been tapped to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.”

Loons. These Lefty losers are loons.


Well, yeah.

He wants to protect himself. He has good reason to! This is essentially a confession…

Rat, sinking ship, you know the rest…


Clean out

the rats! We the People have spoken. But like the Senate, they have insisted on RINOs that are bent on seeking their own interests, not the people’s.

Since 2009 the Department Formerly Known as Justice has been infested with growing numbers of rats. Political consultant (and Trump 45 hand) Mark Paoletta warned on X today that “Career DOJ lawyers must be fully committed to implementing President Trump’s policies or they should leave or be fired.”


Walz is a total

dirtbag! I guess Kamala chose him because birds of a feather flock together…