
A REAL truth-seeker

regularly questions himself or herself. Only an epistemologically closed poseur thinks that they already know everything.

They say, “A political philosophy, a political philosophy, I already have a political philosophy and there can be no more political philosophy! I am just right!”

In other words, they are epistemically closed. They cannot learn anything new because by definition that would mean that they were not 100% right before. And that is very threatening to their ego and to their very sense of self! So they simply go about actually knowing very little, but are cocksure about everything.


EV’s are just

not ready for prime time! Let’s face it: Battery technology is not there.

Now the battery apologists (also for solar and wind power) will argue that trying it leads to innovations and that someday we will get there, Yeah, maybe… But today is not that day..

So let’s not pretend it is a viable option now. It’s not. It is, at best, a luxury vehicle “niche.” And if ALL my driving is “running errands” locally and then coming quickly back home (and not even addressing HUGE fire hazard issues), it can work.

But again, it is a niche product. And if that niche works for you (and you are not worried about the battery catching fire), great. I’m good with that. But let’s be honest; It is indeed a niche.


The truth is,

ALL war is Hell. Some quote William Tecumseh Sherman that way, and it is certainly true. But it’s not just Hell for the solders, it is Hell for everyone.

War is probably at times unavoidable and even justified. But it is still Hell.

Truth Wisdom

In many ways,

I like the cut of this man’s jib!

Republican 2024 presidential nominee outsider Vivek Ramaswamy railed against CNN host Abby Phillip on Wednesday night, detailing the reality of federal government agent involvement in Jan 6 and the Governor Whitmer kidnap hoax.

Media Flying Monkeys Truth

You know,

There is a reason all this election interference by Democrats is going on! He scares the ever-living crap out of partisan Democrats

He rightfully scares the crap out of Leftists, and they just can’t cope!


Yeah, lots

of Democrats really need a wake-up call!

h/t Powerline


Sometimes even

a blind squirrel finds a nut!

Maher is no conservative, that’s for sure. Far from it. But he is more of an old-school Liberal, and so tends to be more reasonable in some areas.

“It couldn’t be more pro-Hamas than it is now,” Maher said of the media. “They’re saying they want the newsrooms to adopt words such as ‘apartheid,’ I hear it all the time anyway. It’s wrong, and I hear it. ‘Genocide,’ again, wrong, Israel [is] not trying to commit genocide, the other side [is] blatantly saying, we would love to commit genocide on you.”

The Left’s problem with Maher is that he, at times, blurts out the obvious truth. And truth is something the foam-flecked Left just can’t tolerate.

Fighting Back Truth

In a despotic

system, telling the truth is a hanging offense.

“There are five lights, comrade. (menacingly) Right?”

Unfortunately, many on the Left are more than happy to say, and even adopt the belief, that there are indeed five lights.

And there is VERY clearly a different set of laws if you are in a cause the Left approves of. It is obvious!



Truth is not “hate speech.”

Trump tweets:
-We are letting criminals and gang members cross the border. 
-Politicians are bankrupting the USA. 
-BLM is destroying cities. 
-Sleepy Joe has dementia and is making America weak.

You may not want to hear it, but it is not hate speech.


Yes, Lefties

are bricking their pantaloons over it, but because of X we got to see Hamas for what it was. The mainstream media doesn’t like that because they can no longer exclusively push their Israel-bad-Palestine-good narrative.

They are losing control. Of YOU.