the comparison shakes out, eh?
The police are
getting exposed as cowards. Again. Yet again.
Look, I understand that it is a dangerous job. Then don’t take it. Go be a shoe salesman. And to prevent braver people from going in to save kids so as to hide YOUR cowardice? Disgraceful.
Walk toward the fire. And if you are not up to that, go do something else for a living. Be honest about what you are…
So, assuming Biden
will/can not run again (and I think that is an entirely reasonable assumption), who then?
There’s just no half-decent up-and-comer! The Democrat bench is totally empty. And it’s not like anyone goes from a practical unknown to President in two years!
So that leaves Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren. Wow, a lineup of total losers!
I strongly suspect that another name will float to the surface. But none will right now because Biden insists on maintaining the fantasy that he will run again. I mean, I understand that he doesn’t want to officially become a lame duck. But that means that valuable time for a challenger is going to waste.
That is NICE!
Based on Moseley’s victory here, no one in the Navy can be dismissed for refusing the jab. All they need do is call for a separation board and make this same case.
We are just starting
to see the long knives come out. But don’t kid yourself, this is just the beginning.
Let the blamestorming begin!
Is this a complaint from the White House that Yellen is coasting? Or an attempt by Yellen’s allies to let her off the hook for the economic incompetence of the Biden administration? It’s a tough call …
working hard to
keep Oregon weird. By hook or by crook…
It seems that Oregon is both hapless and hopelessly lost to honesty and good sense. Almost no matter what, there is HUGE voter fraud. No freakin’ wonder a portion of the state wants to become “greater Idaho.” Because far more than half the population are dang loons!
Hey, Oregonian Lefty loons, for heaven’s sake, don’t come to Idaho! You’ve crapped YOUR bed, now don’t soil other places!
You know,
THAT (below) is a real issue. All joking aside, are we actually having duly elected representatives serving us? Yeah, of course. Well, probably. But now I am a little bit bothered by niggling doubts…
Now, polling has most likely kept things at least approximating fairness. But if polling is not a “slam dunk?” I guess that kind of throws things into a new light, now doesn’t it?
And the more rigid ideologue Democrats really make it worse. Because if you see some “funky” things and then express concern, the Lefties call you “crazy” or a conspiracy nut and superciliously dismiss your concerns, calling you a stupid kook.
But still, some things that you see just cannot be unseen…
So, I think we DO need to grapple with how we know something is true or not! How do you know that an election is fair?
When things like what we have seen in the past 2-3 years happen, well, things seem just a little too, uh, convenient for Lefties to be totally believable.
You don’t want to be paranoid. But then again, you don’t want to be victimized by a scam, either.
Dems, the
apocalypse is coming…
IF you can
manage to get a Lefty to even discuss things, THIS is what you will probably hear.
Be a little strategic. You simply can’t convince a Leftist with facts and reason.