A useful map:

That “transient inflation” (that Biden officials and sycophants on the Federal Reserve talked about for months before it became too ludicrous to mention) along with high fuel costs, shortages, and the gnawing realization that the president of the United States may be in cognitive decline have all contributed to a narrative that Joe Biden is finding harder and harder to change.
In the next few months, Republicans will try to make Joe Biden the primary issue in the campaign. While conventional wisdom dictates that congressional races are driven by local politics and local issues, this is one instance where making Biden the face of failure on the economy will bring about a landslide GOP victory and a red wave that will swamp Democrats and give Republicans decisive majorities in Congress.
Yes, but don’t get cocky. Democrats cheat!
good things have happened. Could we be coming to the end of the long night of the Lefty Orc?
All this is a promising start…
are suddenly feeling the sand shift around their feet.
But never forget: This recent focus on the Biden corruption is NOT due to the MSM suddenly coming to their moral senses and reporting the facts because they love Truth.
Hunter Biden has been making lots of headlines in recent weeks. The corporate media has finally decided to tell the truth about the corrupt behavior of America’s most problematic First Son, and they’re now reporting what most have known since October 2020. Hunter Biden is a corrupt man who has used his famous last name to sell American political access to wealthy foreigners from countries adversarial to the United States.
No, this stuff has been known for at least a couple of years. Joe himself always knew that he was not long for the position, and called himself “a placeholder.” Just enter “Joe Biden” and “placeholder” in a web search. It really isn’t just Conservatives saying this. Or even predominantly Conservatives.
This is a five-alarm fire of political corruption, and Americans deserve answers – as well as to know the extent of Joe Biden’s awareness of his son’s activities. Joe Biden once described Hunter as the “smartest man” he knew. Given the media firestorm on his doorstep today, he may be re-evaluating that opinion.
This is happening because the plan was always to get rid of Joe, by hook or by crook. His disgusting criminality just makes it easier. And we have all always known about that!
groomers. Let’s just call it what it is and stop lying to ourselves and others! And honestly, there are just not two ways about it. And I am tired of the groomers. Aren’t you?
THE LEFT: We don’t want to sexualize little kids behind the backs of parents. Stop saying that. It’s a lie!
FLORIDA: We’re going to outlaw sexualizing little kids behind the backs of parents.
… Well, a whole lot of leftists want to have sex with your kids, and want to normalize sex between kids and adults. The evidence of that is everywhere. Democrats know opening the southern border will mean the import of child sex slaves. And yet, Democrats still open the border. Democrats continue to release child predators and suspected predators. We’re about to be saddled with a Supreme Court Justice who shrugs at child porn. More than one left-wing publication has asked us to better understand and sympathize with child molesters. The left embraced Jeffrey Epstein for decades. The left-wing Lincoln Project shielded a suspected predator.
The Left is the party of sexual predators. Can YOU morally countenance being part of that? Take a hard look at yourself…
NOT a Conservative. In no way, shape, or form.
But he still has been telling the truth lately. He has NOT been “red-pilled” by any stretch. Even so, unlike most prominent Lefties, he has at times been willing to tell the truth.
when I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jingping, after traveling 17,000 miles together.
My word as a Biden!
Well, I don’t know that for a fact…
fake news MSM lies to you!
What the crap is he saying?
I wasn’t stupid enough to believe him.
Were you? Be honest, now!