Current Events


we can hope… It would be too good to actually be true, though.

Buffoons Culture

Yeah, it’s the predictable

response by celebrities. They look down on YOU.

They have no bread? Then let them eat cake, instead!

Current Events

Yeah, I was never

“disillusioned” with McCain. Because I was never “illusioned” with him in the first place.

And no, I didn’t sully myself by voting for him–I wrote in because I knew what he was. Others didn’t, and I don’t blame them for voting for him.

Look, anyone with eyes to see knew that he was a total turd. Yes, he did some good things in Viet Nam, but since? No, not really. The John McCain of the Presidential race was NOT the John McCain of Viet Nam…

In my lifetime he was a despicable, skirt-chasing RINO turd, and nothing more. And his Mini-me Mitt was cut from the same flimsy cloth. Mitt was McCain without the infidelity.

Current Events Polls

Yes, but is it

beyond the measure of fraud? And THAT is a question we just don’t know.

Oh, we know that there will be Democrat voter fraud, we just don’t know how much.


NBC News has a new survey out, and not only is Joe Biden in full-scale collapse, but the issue polling is a flashing red light for Democrats.

… This isn’t complicated. It’s the economy, stupid. People are watching their retirements go up in flames in the stock market, while their savings accounts are devalued via inflation. There’s no good news on the horizon, and Democrats believing that promoting abortion until birth will somehow save them is fool’s gold.

Current Events

Yeah, they

are not even trying to hide the fact that they are lying!

Buffoons Dishonesty GetWokeGoBroke


we have a problem

If CNN had focused on hard news, it might be in a better position today. Having traded news for narrative, it’s now trading narrative for infotainment. And it says everything about Chris Wallace that he left FOX News not for CNN’s news division, but for its infotainment streaming app where he can appear alongside old episodes of Anthony Bourdain only to have the latter beat him every time.

… CNN, like the rest of the media, spent too many years lying to Americans to ever be trusted. And the 20% of the country that shares its views already has too many media outlets competing for its business. The other 80% will hardly even notice that it’s gone. A news network that once had a stranglehold on the American public has lost its authority and even its airport business.


What, do they

think that the worm will never turn?

“Who do you think is going to be the Truth Czar in 2025?” he asked, implying that it may very well be a Republican appointee if the GOP wins the White House. 

Often, evil will doth evil mar. Did Democrats somehow not learn that lesson when they went “nuclear” on the filibuster?

Epic fail Incompetence

Look at the date

on the byline! “Biden” is trying to weasel out of his failure by saying that he just couldn’t have known, that they weren’t just slow off the dime.

How many times is this administration going to find itself surprised by supply-chain issues? They dropped nearly $2 trillion last year on COVID relief amid a supply crunch, then were stunned that the whole country being flush with cash while goods are scarce might cause prices to rise. Now they’re figuring out that when a major baby-formula manufacturing plant got shut down three months ago at a moment when formula was already hard to find, a serious shortage might result.

Is seeing one move ahead on the chessboard too much to ask?

Well, the historical facts show that this was incompetence (at best)!

But even now, their foolish adherence to Democrat rigidity and love of stifling regulation is at least delaying helpful actions, and almost for sure is actively making things worse.

Why does “Biden” hate babies so? It’s irrational. If he can’t cut them up into bits in the abortion meat-grinder, he will starve them to death by restrictions on baby formula! What did babies ever do to him?

Bad Faith Basic Economics

Honestly, do you

have to be a total moron to be a Democrat? I didn’t USE to think so, but Democrats have been spewing some pretty rank bilge, lately!

C’mon! You know how prices work, don’t you?

It’s ALL flaky and downright kooky defensiveness. YOU’re not fooled, are you?

Dishonesty Hypocrisy Immorality

Graham has turned

out to be a pretty nasty piece of work.

Graham, Romney, Cheney… They have ALL shown themselves to be turds.

And what is frustrating is the lying! Having them pretend to be something they are not is just aggravating. Whether it’s “Pierre” Romney begging for a cabinet spot with Trump and then viciously turning on him when Trump doesn’t go along or Liz Cheney’s open betrayal, it is maddening. Just stand up for what you actually believe!

And Graham has the skills to actually help. But no, he has chosen the “dark side” and pretends to be one thing when he is really another.

No more RINOs, OK?