Current Events Lefty Political Strategy

You KNOW it

won’t survive an appeal. Yeah, that judge knows it, too. But it DOES delay things, and THAT is the whole point of this.

The duly confirmed Secretary of the Treasury can’t access Treasury data? And no challenge allowed? You’ve got to be smoking dope!

SPOILER: It will be challenged and overturned. This is just a frantic rear-guard action.

And just what will the judge do if Trump simply ignores it? He really hasn’t done that, and though “Biden” and other Democrats have done it, that really isn’t Trump’s style.

But, out of curiosity, how many divisions does the judge have?

As Marbury v. Madison stated, “ALL laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Now I can just hear Lefty shills say that this isn’t technically a law but a judicial action. But I suspect that we are splitting hairs, here. It’s a distinction without a difference.

Buffoons Democrat Freakers

Sheesh! What

is up with all the shrieking Democrat extras from a low-budget production of “The Taming of the Shrew?” Do you have to be a termagant/harpy to be a Democrat Representative? It’s like the march of the harridans!

Bad Faith Bat-crap crazy!

If this doesn’t

offend and frighten you, you are a mindless Democrat shill and a kook. And no one should ever listen to you again!

Li alleges that, following Biden’s disastrous debate drubbing, Hunter essentially took over White House operations. Speaking with podcaster Shawn Ryan, she painted a picture of dysfunction at the highest levels of government: “After the [CNN] debate, Hunter basically commandeered the White House. He sat in on all of the White House top-level meetings. We had a former cocaine addict sitting in on the most sensitive meetings of the most consequential and most important government in world history. Does that sit right with you?”  

Ryan’s immediate reaction—“No”—reflected what many are surely thinking.

“Without security clearance mind you,” Li added. 

And remember, Joe wanted to run again. And some people of otherwise sound judgment would have voted for him. Wow!

Adds some real context to Joe Biden saying that Hunter was the smartest man he knew, doesn’t it? Gee, and now it is clear why Hunter was spending so much time at the White House…

No one voted for him, but he was the de facto President! It is mind-boggling!

DUH! Fighting Back

Senator Kennedy

just is a national treasure! He tends to say things that we ALL think. It seems that we as a people are starting to shake off the shackles of Lefty despotism. The jack-booted heel of Lefty force has been somewhat lifted off our necks, and people are starting to clap back.

“This has been going on for a week,” Kennedy explained. “People have been screaming like they’re part of a prison riot. ‘Oh, my God, look at what Musk is doing. He’s looking at the spending.’ And I’ve listened to people talk about the process and debate whether it’s constitutional and discuss how many lawyers can dance on the head of a pen. But you know what? I haven’t heard one single person who’s upset with President Trump or Mr. Musk, talk about what he’s found.”

… Sen. Kennedy is absolutely right—Americans are fed up with their tax dollars being squandered on radical causes and foreign handouts. The American people are finally getting to see the extent of USAID’s reckless spending, and Democrats know that they won’t like what they see. From funding groups linked to terrorism to wasting millions on woke pet projects, USAID has operated with virtually no accountability for far too long.  

Folks, get a clue, here! Don’t be mad about what Trump is revealing, be mad about what the deep state has been doing with YOUR money!

You’re shooting the messenger rather than addressing the message itself. This is just the frantic flopping of a fish caught on dry land.

Current Events

Sometimes, evil will

doth evil mar.

Current Events

Well, they

are rolling with the times. USAID needs to pay the rent, too!

And does the hypocrisy have no limits?

Current Events

Kind of a bummer,

eh? Well, no, actually.


It really is

a great article. Lefty swamp creatures need to understand that things really ARE different now. I am pleasantly shocked at the urgency Trump is bringing to the table. Go man, go!

The ultimate goal was (unlike for virtually all Democrats) not just to get in office and enjoy the perks thereof, but to actually galvanize a radical change. Trump didn’t need the perks. He had all those already. I mean, what perks did he not already have as a multi-billionaire? What he wanted to do was to create real change.

And that totally frightens the Left. Because it’s not about money or status. Trump can’t just be bought off and co-opted by the swamp. It is about real change. And he is both creative and serious as a heart attack about it.

It’s a new day…

Fighting Back Justice

If you are a

Lefty swamp creature, the worst is indeed to come.

Historians may someday describe the first seven days of Feb. 2025 as the week that Donald Trump, Elon Musk and a host of panic-stricken Democrats exposed beyond any further doubt the ultimate ugly, unavoidable and irredeemable corruption of Big Government.

For those of us who are both normal and non-robbers, this is great! And I think this speaks rather directly to your own morality. This should tell you something about who you are and where you actually stand.

This was the unthinkable for The Bureaucracy and the Deep State. The deepest inner workings of cashflow streams, managerial end-runs, dummy corporations, contract amendments, deceptive administrative guidance and a host of other techniques used to conceal the operations of the federal Leviathan were suddenly exposed, or clearly in jeopardy of being washed in the disinfectant of sunlight.

There is no nebulous “middle” involved here. It is rather a “litmus test” for you. Be wise. You don’t want to be “weighed in the balances and found wanting.”

Courage Political philosophy

The new cry

of the Right:

Frankly Margaret, I don’t care.”

Conservatives have been trying to be polite for a very long time. But that time seems to be coming to a close–it has become a one-way street. The reason is because being polite was seen by the Left as being “a pushover.” In short, being called “nice” merely meant that you were going to be a Lefty victim.

And if a conservative dared complain, Democrats and RINOs would just put their noses in the air and disdainfully say that that person was just uncouth and socially nasty and not acceptable in polite society. You could almost hear them say that, “There are those…”

In short, there was no way to protest being treated poorly by the Left. Doing so would get you hammered up by the Left and by the RINO Right.

But what JD Vance has given us is an example of standing up for what is right. He was not at all nasty, but he was truthful. And I think that is an example we can all learn from.

Being a Melvin Milquetoast is not a sign of being polite. It is not the goal of behavior. It is not even right. Conservatives privately disagreed for a long time. But they needed to learn to publicly disagree, effectively.