Economics Wisdom

Can we get back

to some decent economic thinking? That would be great…

Enough of this stupid Democrat/Keynesian nonsense!

I mean, let’s be a little empirical, shall we? I’m sick of the kooky Democrat adherence to nonsense economic theories!

Economics Lefty Political Philosophy

And the plain truth

is, THIS is exactly why the Left HATES Milei so. He has utterly proven them wrong. They can tolerate any sort of aberrant sexual behavior–but not being proven economically wrong and ignorant.

It’s also why they are desperate to not have Trump win and fix the economy. It’s a dagger to their heart. They would far rather rule in Hell than serve in Heaven!

See, the shine on the apple of Leftist economics fades a bit as one hits the real world.

Economics Epic fail Evil Clown


is killing us!

The dark reality of Bidenomics is 18.8% inflation under the President’s watch, which is 6.0% on an annual basis. When he took office, inflation was at just 1.4%. Since March 2021, it has stayed above the Federal Reserve’s 2% target (37 consecutive months.)

Inflation results from excessive Federal Reserve money printing and government spending, expanding the money supply. This leads to prices rising and effectively acts as a hidden tax on everyone.

…According to Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, the typical U.S. household now requires $1,069 more each month (equivalent to $12,828 annually) compared to three years ago.

Yeah, it’s a BIG issue, and people are rightly worried.

Economics Wisdom

It’s true:

One’s perspective does indeed change!

Biden-Induced Human Misery Captain Obvious Economics

Yeah, we ALL know

that the economy sucks and that it is “Biden’s” fault. DUH! Even Janet Yellin knows that.

“Well, I think most Americans know that prices are not likely to fall,” Yellin told ABC News on Sunday. “It’s not the Fed’s objective to try to push the level of prices back to where they were.” [emphasis added]

… While the monthly, year-over-year rate has certainly dropped, the electorate sees this from a different perspective — by how much prices have gone up since Biden was inaugurated. That is more important to the electorate, as prices have increased by 17.3 percent, what The Winston Group has termed the Presidential Inflation Rate (PIR). In looking at the performance of the previous seven presidents at the same point in their terms, only President Jimmy Carter had a larger increase.[emphasis added]

… Even a cursory look at these economic comparisons explains why the electorate disapproves of Biden’s handling of the economy and inflation by as much as 20-point margins. Contrasting Biden’s record with virtually any other president, except Carter, only makes his own economic record look worse.

Look, “Biden” has taken a Lefty sledgehammer to the economy. What he has done is just horrible! He IS a Jimmy Carter, but without the same species of smug self-righteousness. Biden’s smug self-righteousness is of a different variety…

Economics Lefty Political Philosophy

Go Left, and

this is what you get! And we Americans had better learn this lesson.

According to Desmond Shum — once at the head of a multibillion-dollar development firm that he left in 2015 upon tighter control by Beijing — sales across industries, even those thought to be insulated from any slowdown, are falling, and the economic outlook among Chinese consumers is so dire that executives are reporting blatant acts of theft by employees. 

… “People talk about ‘deglobalization,’ but the proper term is ‘reglobalization minus China,'” Shum said. “You won’t have one country replacing China, but operations are spreading to Vietnam, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and elsewhere.”


Have you

somehow not noticed? Uh, the rest of us sure have!

Thanks, Democrats!


It’s time that we

get back empirically validated truths: There’s no such thing as a free lunch!

Current Events Economics

China is

facing some hard economic times. I know they’re saying that things will get better after the Chinese New Year, but I’m not really convinced that is true. Maybe.

But the fact remains that Xi has really screwed things up.


The most slo-motion

economic implosion EVER! There has never been anything more predictable…