Evil Immorality

Yes, so

do I. Lefty moral midgets are responsible for the Trump assassination attempt! They have fomented this irrational hatred for years.

Shame on them! This was reportedly a BLM dude. Well of course he was… So shame on YOU if you were a participant. Do better!

Disgusting! Election Integrity Immorality

You know, it’s

pretty dang simple: You either want fair and secure voting or you don’t. But don’t lie about your position! Just quit it–we see through your lies…

Democrats and their mindless myrmidons seem to have no conscience at all on this matter.

So yeah Democrats, go ahead and try to do this. But don’t prance and preen about how moral you are!


Yes, because

these Democrats are bereft of good morals. ALL that is important to them is power and money!

As congressional Democrats are preparing to fight legislation that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote, President Joe Biden came out against the bill on Monday, slamming the election security measure..

NO ONE of good morals opposes election integrity. No One.

Immorality Voter Fraud

Yeah, well

of course!

House Democrats are planning to fight the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, set to be voted on the week of July 15, which would require state election officials to request proof of American citizenship before handing voter registration forms to applicants.

Please understand–Democrats want voter fraud. It’s how they hold onto power! These folks are NOT your friends!

Treasonous moral dirtbags!

Civil Rights Immorality Injustice

Well, we already knew

that the Trump conviction was legally bogus. THAT is far from news.

In 2010, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310, the Supreme Court held 5 to 4 that the freedom of speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by closely allied corporations and groups like The Trump Organization. Under Citizens United, it was perfectly legal for The Trump Organization to pay Daniels $130,000 in hush money to conceal her alleged affair with Donald Trump.

… The U.S. Supreme Court needs to hear this case as soon as possible because of its impact on the 2024 presidential election between President Trump and President Biden. Voters need to know that the Constitution protected everything Trump is alleged to have done with respect to allegedly paying hush money to Stormy Daniels.

… The Roman Republic fell when politicians began criminalizing politics. I am gravely worried that we are seeing that pattern repeat itself in the present-day United States. It is quite simply wrong to criminalize political differences.

There is virtually no disagreement on that from scholars in the area. Or by people who are attached to logic and good sense! And then the jury instructions were a travesty that they would make… a stripper blush!

“I hate to do this, but I would be remiss if I didn’t,” Zelin said. “Whether you are driving in a Ford or a Ferrari, if someone gives you bad directions, you’re going to end up lost. And those jury instructions were just a complete, just take the Constitution, throw it out a window, burn it, shoot it, and hang it.”

EVERYONE knows that the case won’t survive appeal. Yeah, DUH! But survivability is NOT the goal of foam-flecked Lefty judge Marchand, here.

No, the point has two parts: a) Keep Trump from being able to campaign, and b) hang a conviction, however fleeting, on Trump during height of the campaign season.

So, Lefties, Mission Accomplished! Would that you had the moral sense to be ashamed–but you don’t. SCOTUS should hear this case starting tomorrow!

Captain Obvious Immorality

The truth is, I

had some hope that the NYC jury might do the right thing, here. But in truth, not much. If someone had second thoughts, those were quickly squelched by the others.

We don’t live in moral times…


So here is my

question: Just why is the MSM sheltering Joe so much?

It is sad to say, but it’s pretty obvious that for Joe Biden defenders, their Leftism has well overpowered their morality! But isn’t it shocking that they excuse and defend a child molester? And some people that I thought I knew very well and was under the impression that they were moral ALSO justified this child molestation!

See, Joe Biden is not just a child molester. He also has led MANY others to morally sully themselves by denying and justifying and defending his behavior!

Barbaric! Evil Immorality

Yes. Yes

they are! And it’s breathtakingly horrific. Scary, actually. REALLY scary!

But now Kelly has revealed how much dirtier the whole thing may have been: The FBI was apparently authorized to use deadly force for the raid. [emphasis added]

It truly boggles the mind, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to see how a Biden voter can delude himself into considering himself moral. I mean, how do you so it?

I don’t know how much clearer this could be, to be entirely truthful. So how can one support it and retain a shred of morality?

Ya see, Jimbo, the bad people are already using the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to target political enemies. Attorney General Merrick Garland may officially be the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, but he’s really just a petty thug who’s heading up a goon squad that does the bidding of an angry, senile old man. 

Evil Immorality Liars

Yes, it should

absolutely happen. Should. But it won’t. And that is a pity.

The walls came tumbling down Thursday on some of the mendacious narratives the American public has been force-fed during and after the COVID pandemic about gain of function research and the origins of the virus. Although Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) repeatedly questioned former chief advisor to the president and former NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci about the research in heated numerous congressional hearings over the last few years, the good doctor went on record over and over again angrily denying that any such thing had occurred.

But on Thursday, NIH Principal Deputy Director Dr. Lawrence Tabak admitted that NIH did fund GOF research at Wuhan Institute of Virology through EcoHealth Alliance. Oops.

Fauci lied to Congress. Under oath. He should faces criminal charges.


The shabby, scabby

Biden antics just never stop! They are freakin’ dirtbags.