Political Intrigue

Well, it’s

a legitimate question.

So the other theory that must be considered is this: Perhaps Joe Biden isn’t planning on being president on January 20. 

… That’s your tinfoil hat conspiracy theory du jour: The Hunter Biden pardon means that Joe Biden is planning to resign the presidency.

Current Events Political Intrigue

It’s a very

good question. Because there IS no question that Biden and his posse are a bit angry about being forced out. And it would certainly make old Joe smile to see Kamala go down in flames. He very much thought that HE was the only one who could beat Trump. Delusional, but true.

Earlier this month, we also learned that Biden loyalists are still harboring resentment over his ouster from the race and the way he was insulted at the Democratic National Convention. There was even talk about some kind of revenge.

Biden is playing the role of a loyal Democrat trying to help Kamala get elected. But the reality is that he is bitter about being pushed out of the race against his wishes and wants his legacy to be that he was the only Democrat capable of defeating Trump. By joining Kamala on the campaign trail and strengthening the link between the two of them, he might be trying to solidify that narrative.

Evil Political Intrigue

Oh yes, Pelosi

is a nasty piece of work. She is NOT a nice person!

No, he didn’t quit because it would be a distraction. He quit because he was afraid they were going to savage him — because he knew enough about Nancy Pelosi and how she works. He knew that she would crank up the nasty to do him in, and he didn’t want to upset the perception he has of his legacy in his mind. 

So much for decades of “friendship” or the voters’ votes. Even The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd was calling it a “coup.” … It shows how nothing that Democrats have to say is trustworthy; it’s just about saying or doing anything to hold onto power. It’s hard to believe how anyone could watch how all this has unfolded and vote for any of these people, in addition to all the bad policies they have put in play to hurt the American people. [emphasis added]

Political Intrigue


Democrats always accuse Republicans of things that they themselves are guilty of. It’s a VERY reliable indicator!

No Greg, no it doesn’t. Have we ever had a Presidential candidate who tried and got NO primary votes? How is she even the Democrat pick?

But I’m telling you, what happened in the Democrat secret scheming sessions WILL eventually be made public. The flying monkeys of the MSM and Democrat beta males (though I repeat myself) are just hoping to keep this secret until November.

Can they pull it off? Maybe. We shall see. What big donors want, big donors typically get. But even so, we are now starting to hear some squealing…

A top adviser to President Biden is “absolutely” blaming House Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi for tanking his re-election campaign — and accusing Democratic donors of ignoring the will of their party’s primary voters in swapping him out for Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Captain Obvious Political Intrigue

The kiss

of death.

Sure, she is trying to put it as gently as possible, but there is NO doubt that Nancy was the “trigger man” to get him gone.

Is there anyone who doesn’t fully understand what happened? I mean, I’m no Joe Biden fan, and he would have had a HUGE electoral loss had he stayed in.

But Pelosi knifed him in the back at the behest of Obama and others. She gave him the shiv when he wasn’t expecting it. And now she’s twisting the knife…

Political Intrigue

It really shouldn’t

be a surprise to you! DUH!

Joe Biden was pushed out, plain and simple. Do you really think that after all his vehement denials he just up and decided to quit one morning? LOL! No!

What’s interesting about this story is not just that Barack Obama was identified as the one who threatened Biden with the 25th Amendment, but that he allegedly said that Kamala was on board with it. If Kamala was involved in the coup, why did Joe Biden endorse her?

As we previously reported, Biden’s endorsement of Kamala was done out of revenge. We know that the Biden campaign was quietly polling Kamala Harris against Donald Trump, and Biden was convinced he was the only Democrat who could beat Trump. Heck, Barack Obama didn’t even endorse Kamala right away because he doesn’t think she can defeat Donald Trump, and he was reportedly blindsided by Joe Biden endorsing her. And Biden’s endorsement resulted in the party quickly coalescing behind Harris, making it impossible to pass her over through an open process. You can imagine that Obama wouldn’t have expected Biden to endorse the woman who was on board with ousting him via the 25th Amendment. 

Political Intrigue

Biden is NOT

a patriot for stepping down! He was forced out.

Political Intrigue

I’ve been telling

you for several weeks now that the political “hit” on Joe Biden has gone out. I’m now about 80% sure that he will be forced out. Joe Biden may well not be the Democrat candidate.

Just a guess, but I think the word has gone out from the Obama redoubt in Martha’s Vineyard and/or his shadow White House in Kalorama that the New York Times needs to lead the push this week to force Biden out of the race. The Times is doom-scrolling its latest poll showing Biden on his way to certain defeat to Trump. Yesterday’s installment gave the raw numbers—Biden is eroding across the board.


It seems pretty obvious what is happening. But, of course, Biden says he will not leave, Yeah, maybe…

And indeed, there are HUGE problems with replacing him. There is just no realistic option. Kamala is even less palatable than Joe for most people, and she has signaled that she wants the Presidency. To replace her with anyone who is not both female and Black is pretty much electoral suicide–yet she is just horrible as a candidate!

Now Michelle Obama fits the bill on race and gender (ignoring the depth of the Kamala non-acceptance of that outcome problem for a moment), but she has said in the past that she is not interested. Now that certainly doesn’t mean that she won’t recant and run, but still, she is totally untried–we have no idea how she will react to the heat and pressure of a campaign. And maybe (perhaps probably) she really doesn’t have that “fire in the belly” that is required to seek the Presidency. And for the DNC, it would truly be buying a cat in a bag.

And no other possible option has the name recognition to do it. But also, could she survive a primary? Probably not, and the DNC play would be to spring her on us at the last possible second so as to avoid a primary. They wouldn’t even see how Michelle Obama would handle other Democrats in a primary! But is that wise?

And besides, it’s not like Kamala would just meekly and subserviently step aside. No, it would be a knock-down, drag-out brawl of EPIC proportions! Democrats certainly don’t want THAT…

So we’re back to square one. Joe Biden is a horrible option, but is there a better one? I mean, maybe Michelle Obama has agreed to do it and THAT is why the “hit” on Joe Biden was put out.

Or maybe it was put out to try and get Michelle Obama to agree to do it. Really, it’s hard to tell from here. All that is certain right now is that the political hit has been put out on Joe Biden.

But even if Michelle Obama throws her size 8 hat into the ring, she’s gonna get bloodied up.

Political Intrigue

It’s NOT just

with the press! The senility and incompetence runs deep

President Biden has been using notecards in closed-door fundraisers, calling on prescreened donors and then consulting his notes to provide detailed answers, according to people familiar with the routine.

… That Biden’s brain is failing is no big surprise; what is a surprise is that Axios is writing about it and has at least some donors whispering some very-not-sweet nothings about the president.

It sure seems that the political “hit” on Joe has been put out, but there are still some”bitter clingers” who defend him.

Political Intrigue

It’s a really good

question. I’m not sure I know the answer. But yeah, I am suspicious…

According to a report from Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag, the binder contains evidence of the CIA’s efforts to spy on Trump and interfere in the 2016 election. And this binder is what the Biden administration was really after when they raided Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida.