Bad Faith Deception Fraud

I think the hardest

thing is fact that, because of seeing how senile Joe Biden really is, we now have to wrestle with the unavoidable fact that the MSM chronically lied to us, and just are not trustworthy. They lied, and Jill Biden is an evil monster.

What of all those politicians, media talking heads, D/s/c party hacks, entertainers, and others who repeatedly assured Americans they had been in close contact with Joe Biden, they had long, substantive conversations with him, and he was not only just fine, he was at the top of his game, his age was his superpower, he was completely cogent, capable and oh sooooo experienced? What can we think of those people who assured us Biden is absolutely ready and able to lead a fourth Obama term?

… And how can they possibly apologize for covering for the entire Biden Crime family as it serially betrayed America? How can they admit their complicity and/or stupidity?

The debate revealed how badly America has been losing and for how long, and began the process of realization, of the sparking of memory, of just how badly America has been betrayed…

Epic fail

Yes, Biden’s

performance was utterly catastrophic. But then again, you knew that already. EVERYBODY knows that! It was truly an epic beat-down.

“The voice, open-mouthed look, and visual contrast between President Biden and former President Trump all have Democrats I’m talking to nearly beside themselves watching this debate,” she [Kasie Hunt] said.

ABC News’ Jonathan Karl said Democrats are saying “Biden is so diminished it’s undeniable now.”

It certainly is. I told you so, but no, YOU wouldn’t listen!

“This was a game-changing debate,” said CNN anchor John King. “There is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic party. It started minutes into the debate, and it continues right now.”

The idea that Joe Biden is demented is no longer even a question. NO ONE with an IQ of at least room temperature denies that, now. And here is what you should now say to your conservative friend:

Current Events

Let’s be frank:

It was an astoundingly good week:

Let’s face it, it was less than ideal for Leftists.

Deeply disturbing

NEVER forget

this. It is certainly in the top 5 disturbing moments of the debate!

This moment underscored just how devastating the situation had become for Democrats. After botching the debate, he struggled to walk down just two steps without assistance, a truly alarming sight. His performance was even worse than anyone anticipated — despite his weeklong prep at Camp David.

Yes, deeply disturbing!So why is Joe Biden even still in the race? Two words: Jill Biden.

As you can see, Biden, already way past his bedtime, just stood there. This wasn’t his moment; it was her moment. She treated her husband like a toddler. If you’ve ever needed proof that Jill Biden is the reason Joe decided to seek a second term and why he won’t drop out, this is it. She’s calling the shots, there’s no doubt about it. So while many in the party are now worried and want Biden to drop out, the real struggle will be convincing Jill Biden.

Captain Obvious

Yeah, Independents

want Joe Biden out. 68% of them.

Sixty-eight percent of independent voters want President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race after his disastrous debate performance, a JL Partners poll found on Friday, while 32 percent said he should remain the Democrats’ nominee.

Chaw on THAT, Democrats!

Forty-four percent of independents said they plan to vote for former President Donald Trump, up about four points after the debate.

In contrast, Biden lost support, the poll found. Only 24 percent said they intend to vote for Biden, down from 28 percent before the debate.

Political Strategy

Holy crap!

Even them?

Can the new “keep Biden” strategy even survive? I think probably, yes. Because Democrats really have no other choice–as long as Biden is alive. But many Democrat partisans are really spooked. And it’s not just one or two “fringe” Lefty sources.

See, Republicans dearly want Biden to stay alive. It is the Democrats who would greatly benefit if he unexpectedly died–along with Kamala…

And THAT is a very dangerous position for Joe (and Kamala) to be in! But the NY Times ragging on Joe was simply no accident…

The New York Times editorial board released a blistering editorial on Friday night that called for President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race after his disastrous debate performance on Thursday.

… “It’s too big a bet to simply hope Americans will overlook or discount Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see with their own eyes,” the board said.

Deliberate Ignorance

You know, it’s

pretty dang obvious to even the dullest among us.

President Biden is obviously suffering from some form of age-related dementia. Everyone can see it. Thus everyone could see it during the debate with President Trump this past Thursday evening.

… Biden’s handlers have orchestrated a cover-up to the best of their ability. The Journal editorial poses a rhetorical question: “[D]id they really think they could hide his decline from the public for an entire election campaign?” It’s a leading question that assumes a negative answer, but the answer is “yes.” They still do.

I am in patient care. A couple years ago a Lefty guy I used to interact with (he has since run away) would challenge me when I said Biden was demented, saying, “It’s unethical for you to diagnose him when you haven’t even seen him!”

I’m sure he got that canard from some fetid Lefty fever swamp… But it just shows the depth of his ignorance. It is just undeniable from very public information that Joe is old and decrepit–and that there has been major and relatively rapid cognitive decline.

You don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing…

Current Events

Well, I think

that is the best outcome possible (for conservatives). I don’t want Slow Joe to drop out of the race. Virtually anyone (except Kamala) Democrats could run will be far more competent and cognitively intact than Joe Biden.

No, I’ll take the senile, shuffling old geezer with a dismal record as an opponent, thank you. And miracle of miracles, Joe says he won’t be forced out!

But it seems clear that, having panicked and briefly considered their options, Democrats have decided it’s Biden or bust. Here’s the word coming down from the clouds to the heathen below.

Democrats are now falling in line with the,”It was just a bad night” excuse. I mean, what else can they do? They are between a rock and a hard place. But we ALL know that’s not even remotely true.

Yup, that’s what’s going to happen. It’s already started. The whole framing of this as a bad night is spectacularly dishonest. The issue isn’t that Joe Biden was off his game for one night. The issue is that Joe Biden has permanently lost a step he will never recover and we saw that live last night. Plus we know that things will with absolute certainty get worse over time. That’s not a bad night it’s a bad future[emphasis added]

Current Events

Folks, it’s

happening! The deal is for sure already done–this is just Kabuki theater, now. What has been decided? I’m not positive, but I think Joe Biden is most likely quitting the race.

I mean, maybe this is just a feint by DR. Jill. But that seems far less likely to me.

President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.

There is only ONE probable reason that this report got leaked to the press–because he is gone. Because now there is blood in the water, and the Democrat hopeful feeding frenzy has officially begun!

OK, now the question is who will be his replacement? If it’s Kamala, there is still a HUGE problem–she is really bad! Up until the debate, she did worse than Biden in the polls! And THAT’s really saying something.

Gavin Newsom is a white male who has made a HUGE mess of his state. He is certainly glib, but there’s no substance–and he would have to knock Kamala off the ticket, anyway. Black voters would rightly be pissed.

Michelle Obama has repeatedly said she has no interest in it, and a campaign (even a brief one) opens her up to all sorts of attacks–starting with the FACT that she is a political newbie. From what she has repeatedly said, I don’t think it’s her. But maybe.

Michelle Obama’s one viable strategy is to cast herself as a “reluctant” candidate who is doing this only as a help to the country. But still, there is the Kamala issue…

I REALLY hope Biden stays in the race. I think he is weak and vulnerable. He is the Buffalo that is not quite able to keep up with the herd anymore, and thus is easy prey for wolves. Stay tuned as to who replaces him, but I assume he is GONE. We’ll see.

Current Events

Slip slidin’

away. You know the nearer Democrats get to their destination, the more they’re slip slidin’ away.

Honestly, let’s not get cocky and all, but this election is very quickly slipping from Democrats’ grasp. Good!

Despite dedicating millions to advertising against anti-abortion Republicans and attacking former President Donald Trump as the architect of the end of Roe v. Wade, a new survey shared with Secrets on Friday found that just 2 points separate who voters “trust more” on the abortion issue.

THAT is within the margin of error. So it is fundamentally tied. Wow!