thing is fact that, because of seeing how senile Joe Biden really is, we now have to wrestle with the unavoidable fact that the MSM chronically lied to us, and just are not trustworthy. They lied, and Jill Biden is an evil monster.
What of all those politicians, media talking heads, D/s/c party hacks, entertainers, and others who repeatedly assured Americans they had been in close contact with Joe Biden, they had long, substantive conversations with him, and he was not only just fine, he was at the top of his game, his age was his superpower, he was completely cogent, capable and oh sooooo experienced? What can we think of those people who assured us Biden is absolutely ready and able to lead a fourth Obama term?
… And how can they possibly apologize for covering for the entire Biden Crime family as it serially betrayed America? How can they admit their complicity and/or stupidity?
The debate revealed how badly America has been losing and for how long, and began the process of realization, of the sparking of memory, of just how badly America has been betrayed…