Lefty Violence

Yes, the

new face of the Democrat party!

Lefty Violence

Yeah, it’s pretty

wild. I honestly don’t know why any normal person would EVER choose to be associated with the Left now!

Lefty Violence

Ah! Those peaceful

(but sometimes a little too… exuberant) Lefties!

Lefty Violence

Those protesters

sure are peaceful, eh?

Lefty Violence

Yeah, leftists

are really peaceful. Riiiight

Students at the University of Alabama in Huntsville say they intend to press charges after receiving threatening social media communication from an alumna who took such issue with the group’s support of Jews that she threatened to take a “12 gauge shotgun” to their “skull.”

How charming.

Lefty Violence

It’s just


It’s scary to me. Although I’m not Jewish, my relatively recent ancestors WERE driven from place to place and murdered because of their religious beliefs. I personally have run into vestiges of such discrimination even now!

So yeah, I’m none too pleased to see it happening to Jewish people!

And please note: Conservatives just don’t do this kind of crap! It doesn’t jibe at all with the Conservative/Libertarian worldview. No, it’s the domain of the Left. Understand, many Lefties don’t like this stuff. But you now, it’s not a deal-breaker for them, either…

So they themselves don’t do it. But they certainly “hold the cloaks” of those who do!

Lefty Violence

Nice doggie,

nice doggy. OUCH!

Chaos erupted outside the Democratic National Committee headquarters Wednesday evening when pro-Palestinian protesters became violent as they called for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

“Cease-fire,” “violent.” Hmmmm…

Cowardice Lefty Violence

The “Religion

of Peace” is sure violent! And yet Lefties don’t at least vocally object. They are silent as the tomb…

Classic. Don’t DO the act, but “hold the cloaks” of those who do and then pretend that they are not morally culpable. Cowards.

THIS is what you get with unlimited immigration… Thanks, Joe!

Lefty Violence Morality

Uh yeah,

not shocked at all.

Understand well that THIS is representative of many mainstream Democrats. They support this. Maybe they don’t DO the murderous acts themselves, but they certainly “hold the cloaks” of those who do.

So YOU need to know where your loyalties lie, who you support, and what a valid description of your morals is!

Evil Lefty Violence

Are we starting

to see the collapse of “Wokeism?” We can only hope.

“The woke Left has been exposed in spectacular fashion as a complete and total fraud. The very people who harassed us for years about our speech by demanding jobs be taken, SAT scores be thrown out, businesses be shut down for virtually any imagined offense that allegedly dehumanized a minority, have all gone silent on the open threats and attacks on Jews.

“They claimed that hate speech should be banned, even rendered unconstitutional because they said it’s violent. They claimed that they needed their own safe spaces where they would be ‘centered’ and not subjected to ‘triggering ideas’ and ‘arguments.’ They told us ‘intent to harm’ or ‘intent to offend’ did not matter. All that mattered was the effect of one’s words and effect alone would determine whether one’s career, academic record or ability to function in polite society to continue,

“Now with actual Jew hatred … and threats as explicit as ‘kill the Jews’ all over college campuses they say … absolutely nothing. The BLM crowd, Ibram X Kendi, Ta-Nehisi Coates, not only failed to condemn these behaviors, many in this woke crowd have participated in them and celebrated the Hamas atrocities against Israel. 

In defending Jew hatred, the “woke” Lefties revealed to everyone that they are monsters. The mask has slipped, and what has been seen cannot now be unseen…